• Willard Alternative Program is a “school of choice” designed for students who want to earn a high school diploma and who want to participate in a rigorous and relevant educational experience preparing them for their adult roles and responsibilities in the 21st Century.

    What Willard offers all students:

      • Smaller student body (150 students)
      • Smaller student-to-teacher ratio
      • 4 period day (no study halls)
      • Shorter grading periods (9 weeks)
      • Shorter days (9:30a.m.-3:30p.m.)
      • Mentor teachers
      • More one-to-one help
      • Family atmosphere

    Willard School is made up of three programs:

    The Alternative High School Program is for students with alternative learning styles in need of smaller classes and more hands-on curriculum.  It is an all-day program consisting of 4- 70 minute periods with no study halls.

    The Freshman Transition is a program for 9th grade students whose behavior (attendance, work completion or other behaviors) is disrupting their success in school.  The student’s primary focus is gaining the skills they need to become successful in mainstream classes.

    Students attending Willard remain enrolled in their high school with all the rights and privileges of an attending student, i.e., yearbook photo, prom, graduation ceremony, activities, etc.  However, students cannot be in the schools while schools are in session.

    For more information go to: Willard Webpage

    • Job Corps - Job Corps is the nation’s largest free, residential career training and education program for low-income young adults ages 16 through 24. Job Corps is not just a career training program. You’ll also receive everyday staples AND a supportive community. All of this for FREE. Whether you’re searching for a new career, finishing your high school diploma or exploring your options, Job Corps can provide you with FREE training to jump-start your future. 
      • For more information: contact your school counselor or go here.
      • Rick Whitmore: 406-479-9933 


    • Montana Youth Challenge - Montana Youth Challenge Academy is a residential academic intervention program on the campus of the University of Montana Western for 16-18 year old students who are seeking an opportunity for change. Designed by the National Guard Bureau and run through a cooperative agreement between the federal government and the state of Montana, the Academy offers military-style structure and discipline along with academic, professional, and life-coping skills students need to become productive citizens. Challenge empowers participants, whom we call cadets, to embrace responsibility, achievement, and positive behavior. It instills self-confidence, fosters ambition, and increases opportunities through job skills training, service to the community, and leadership. Learn more: here.

    • Missoula Online Academy - 
      Families of students who are interested in joining Missoula Online Academy for grades 9-12, please contact a member of your site-school for a referral. 
      MOA staff will then respond to referred students to schedule an interview. View website here


    • High School Equivalency (HiSet) diploma,  

    Missoula County Public Schools’ Adult Education Division in the Academic Success Program we help adults (age 16 and older):

      • earn a HiSet diploma

      • prepare for college, career training or apprenticeships and 

      • develop English language skills and learn about U.S. culture and citizenship.  

      • These free HiSET practice tests can help students see the skills they need to be able to earn an HSE diploma.  The tests are often more difficult than students think and can be used to counsel students to stay in school. The practice tests on this website are half the length of the actual tests. For students with disabilities, there are accommodations for HiSET testing, but there are no content accommodations which can make it difficult for some students to pass the tests required to earn an HSE diploma.
    • Services
      • The Academic Success Program offers in-person and virtual classes during daytime and evening for anyone who is 16 yrs or older.  If students are between 16-18 years old they have to be withdrawn from high school. Our classes are a good option for: 
      • students who withdraw from high school

      • those who graduate from high school and need help preparing for college

      • parents or other adults who want a HSE diploma, help preparing for college, training, or apprenticeships

      • parents or other adults who are English Language Learners (ELL)