College Planning

  •  Make your dreams of attending college a reality just by taking some basic steps and planning for your future. By reaching out, asking questions and doing research you can attend college, be successful and eventually have a career that fits your needs. By getting a college degree you increase your earning potential over your lifetime and you will become more employable. The following websites are great resources for finding information about the planning for College, if you need additional information feel free to make an appointment with your counselor and discuss options for your future.

    Letter of Recommendation Form

    Smart About College

    This is a great website that will take you through the process of planning for college from freshman to senior year. Find out information on paying for college, what you should be doing to prepare for college year by year, access MCIS (Montana Career Information System) and free ACT and SAT test prep. 

    Here is just an example of the checklists they have available:

    Montana University System

    This is a fantastic website that has information not only on preparing for college but also information regarding the college admissions process, searching for majors, financial aid, money management and budgeting and even how to be successful in college. Take some time and explore!

    College board- Planning for College

    This fun interactive website offers a ton of information about planning for college, searching for colleges based on your specific criteria, and exploring majors. 

    Montana Career Information System (MCIS)

    MCIS is not only a great tool to explore careers but the information on majors, colleges and financial aid is incredibly valuable. Try the college sort to look for colleges with specific criteria you deem important but then go in-depth to explore the schools on your list. You can find out what a typical student who is accepted looks like in terms of GPA and SAT/SAT scores. 

    Western Undergraduate Exchange