Teacher Intro

  • Welcome!

    Born and raised in Missoula, Ms. Chabot graduated from Sentinel High School gaining a passion for history through her MCPS education. Ms. Chabot holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History, Political Science, and Social Studies from Carroll College in Helena, MT and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in History at the University of Montana in Missoula. Her thesis covers the tumultuous period before the Civil War looking at foreign diplomats who traveled throughout the union. 

    She has taught Government, AP Government, AP Geography, AP World History, and AP Seminar in the past at either Sentinel High School or at the Missoula Online Academy.   

    This is her second year at Big Sky High School, where she is very excited to teach IB History of the Americas along World Issues Seminar. 

    In her free time, she takes full advantage of the outdoor opportunities offered within western Montana, and can often be found exploring the nearby mountains. Additionally, in the summer she enjoys tending her flower garden with her dog, Mandy. In the winter, she enjoys cross country skiing when there is enough snow. 

    To get ahold of me, my email is schabot@mcpsmt.org 


    Sari Chabot