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- Staff
- Anderson, Carrie - Spanish
- Anderson, Michela--Health Enhancement
- Andres, Tom--Agricultural Education
- Angell, Alicia--Science
- Arnott, Cindy--Agricultural Education
- Arthun, Alison--Speech Language Pathologist
- Beed, Sabrina--Assistant Principal
- Boespflug, Jeffrey--Special Education
- Boys, Melissa--Social Studies
- Briner, Melissa
- Buck, John--Business
- Cameron, Christian--School Resource Officer
- Chabot, Sari--Social Studies
- Cheyney, Machelle--Registrar
- Christensen, Katherine--Math
- Classified Staff List
- Clausen, Matt--English
- Coates, Rita--Science
- Composto, Nico--Social Studies
- Cook, Jessica--English
- Courtney, Jennifer--Principal
- DeGrandpre, Katie--Spanish
- Deubler, Jennifer--Spanish
- Dunfee, Laci--Business
- Dupre, Becky--Teacher Librarian
- Ellenbecker, Robert--Science
- Ferriter, Bryan--Science
- Fortner, Aaron--English
- Green, Abby--Math
- Guerreri, Leslie--Counselor
- Helmer, Meleina--English
- Hiller Claridge, Christine--Assistant Principal
- Honzel, Brandon--Science
- Hoon, Dustin--Art
- Houser, Hannah--Science
- Jessop, Shunteal--Math
- Johnson, Matt--Business
- Johnson, Todd--English
- Keenan, Matthew--Spanish
- Keffeler, Emma--Spanish
- Keintz, Jennifer--Business
- Kennedy, Kathleen--Science
- Kries, Sarah--French
- Labbe, Nancy--Choir
- Laidlaw, Matt--Health Enhancement
- Lawrence, Junell--Teacher Librarian
- Lawrence, Matt--English
- Lindner, Kate--Science
- Litz, Kris--Social Studies
- Lynn, Morgan--Math
- Maccarone, Aaron
- Manning, Sara--School Nurse
- Marcinkowski, Mike--Math
- Massey, Neil--English
- McDonald, Tyra--Art
- McGeary, Theresa--Occupational Therapist
- Messerman, Craig--Science
- Miller, Amy--English
- Miller, Erika--Math
- Morrison, Dave--Health Enhancement
- Murphy, Zachary--Science
- Nesmith, Noel--Instructional Coach
- Nile, Dan--Social Studies
- Parke, Samuel--Math
- Parsons, Ronnie--Math
- Peterson, Becca--Activities Secretary
- Prince, Willi--Band/Music Technology
- Ramsey, Erica--Family & Consumer Science
- Rogers, Casey--Health Enhancement
- Rothe, Kristy--Agricultural Education
- Ruby, Sydney--Science
- Rucks, Michelle- Social Worker
- Sarrazin-Strong, Nicole--Social Studies
- Sholey-Larson, Cassy--Life Skills
- South, Christine--Art
- Sriraman, Sabine --Attendance Secretary
- Stay, Kelsey--CTE
- Stout, Katrina--English
- Subith, Trevor--Social Studies
- Tomsich, Audrey--Special Education
- Traeder, Scot--Industrial Technology
- Turner, Debi--Central Office Administrative Assistant
- Vincent, Maddie--English
- Webster, Michael--English
- Williams, Heather--School Counselor
- Wilson, Megan--Science
- Wilson, Molly--School Counselor
- Work, Brendan--Arabic
- Young, Jack--Assistant Principal
- Zilkey, Rilee--Math
- Calendar