
    The Big Sky Math Philosophy 

    At Big Sky High School, mathematics is taught in a collaborative learning model where students work together to learn and master material. This social model allows students to grapple with mathematics while simultaneously enriching their own understanding.
    At Big Sky High School, the math department uses Learning Targets to allow students to focus specifically on what they need to learn. These Learning Targets are the standards that are taught in each course. Teachers will provide a Learning Target overview for students when they begin a new unit of study. 
    A student should expect that their mathematics classroom will be built on discussion and discourse in an active environment as opposed to a “sit and get” classroom.


    IB Classes and other higher level offerings work in the same model. Students can earn college credit through taking the IB Exam and earning a qualifying grade. There are also options  (Probability and Linear Math, IB-PreCalc, and IB Calc) for Missoula College Credit for some courses through the dual credit program.
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