- Big Sky High School
- Family and Consumer Science
Big Sky Family & Consumer Science

Big Sky High School Family and Consumer Science
Welcome to Big Sky Family and Consumer Science! We are in the CTE-Career and Technical Education-department.
Big Sky offers a hospitality and tourism career pathway along with an education pathway for our students. The majority of the classes in our department are semester long with .50 credits per class. The exception is Culinary Arts and Catering, which is a year-long class at 1 credit. Prerequisites are posted below in the class description.
Classes offered at Big Sky are:
Food and Nutrition 1--available for all four class levels.
We offer basic instruction on measuring, how to read and follow directions (recipes), safety and sanitation, with a variety of labs. Some of the exciting labs are safety and sanitation, quick breads, fruits and vegetables, poultry, beef and baking.
We offer nutrition education along with the units/labs.
There is a $20 lab fee required for this class which is due the first week of the semester.
Food and Nutrition 2-- Prerequisites include: Class is limited to 10th, 11th and 12th grade. Students will need to pass FN 1 with a C or better and Hospitality Tourism 1 with a C or better.
We offer advanced instruction on measuring, advanced recipes and techniques, and careers. Some of the exciting labs are yeast breads and baking/pastries.
There is a $20 lab fee required for this class which is due the first week of the semester.
Culinary Arts and Catering--Class is limited to 11th and 12th grade students who are interested in culinary after high school. The prerequisites include passing FN 1 with a C or better AND passing FN 2 with a B or better.
We offer catering projects and discuss a variety of careers. We also offer a great opportunity for students to train and test for a ServSafe certificate.
There is a $20 lab fee required for this class which is due the first week of the semester.
Hospitality & Tourism 1
This course introduces students to an industry that encompasses lodging, travel and tourism, recreation, amusements, attractions, and food/beverage operations. Students will explore the history of the hospitality and tourism industries and examine characteristics needed for success in the industry.
Early Childhood Education
Early Child education will provide knowledge about quality, developmentally appropriate, early childhood education so that students will have a comprehensive understanding of the social, emotional, and intellectual needs of the developing child.
Students will demonstrate the ability to plan and execute age appropriate activities that promote the physical,
emotional, social, and intellectual growth of children, while demonstrating a thorough understanding of developmental theory and growth stages.
Child Adolescence
This course will introduce students to theories of growth and development, prenatal development, infants,
toddlers, school aged children and adolescents, social and emotional development, concerns of children and
families and parenting skills, along with special topics related to the home and the educational setting.
Pending: Dual Credit: Option for dual credit for juniors and seniors through University of Montana – Western. Internship required.
Education 101
This course provides an introduction to the field of education and the relationships between schools and society. Students begin to evaluate the reasons chosen to become a teacher and the effects that decision will have on their lives. Students examine social, cultural, political, legal, economic, and historical issues within schools and how these issues impact professional educators. During this course, students begin to assemble the professional portfolio, which is a requirement for entry into the Teacher Education Program (TEP). The portfolio will be maintained throughout participation in the Teacher Education Program and is an integral part of the evaluation process.
In a future education class, students will complete a field experience in a school setting. The field experience placement will be made by the Director of Field Experiences. $35 Course Fee. (fall/spring/summer)