Principal Contact Information

  • Weekly Updates 9.8.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 9/8/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    We have some very busy weeks coming up with lots of home events-be sure to check out the Big Sky Website to find out more! We also have our first fall Booster meeting, tomorrow, Monday at 7pm in the Big Sky Commons.  You don’t have to be a member to join in the fun of planning and supporting events at Big Sky, we would love to invite everyone to join us! 

    Also save the date! Our 2nd Annual Blue & Gold Gala! It’s a fun event and a great way to support our athletics, and it’s my birthday so I can’t wait to spend it with all of you! 

     Blue and gold event

     Here are additional updates for this week:

    • Big Sky International Club has an amazing opportunity! We have ten more spots on our trip to France, Italy, and Spain next June! If you are interested/want more information, please see Mrs. Keffeler or Mrs. Cook! If you are interested, please come to our informational meeting, it will be on Monday October 16th, at 6:00 pm in room 31! If you attended the meeting last year but didn't end up signing up for the trip, you still have time! Visit this link to RSVP! *this is not a commitment to join the trip, just so we know how many people to expect** Thank you!! 
    • Chromebooks-It’s imperative that all students have their devices ready to go this week, especially with our request to have cell phones in the caddy, you can either have your child pick up a printed packet in the main office or check your email from MCPS on 8/29 for directions on how to login. Also please note that by the end of September if those forms are not filled out Google access will be shut off for your child until those forms are turned in. 
    • PSAT-will be administered at Big Sky on Wednesday, October 30th for sophomores and juniors who have registered for the test. Due to limited testing space, we are capping the number of students who can take the PSAT at 110. Please register early for this test to ensure a spot. Students interested in testing need to bring $18 (cash or check made out to Big Sky), in a sealed envelope with their name written on the outside, to Debi Turner in the front office. The deadline for test registration is Friday, September 27th.
    • Math lab-Math Lab will be offered Wednesdays during lunch in Room 36.  Students can receive homework help, complete makeup work/assessments, complete retake assessments, and are encouraged to stop by for anything math related.  A rotating math teacher will be available for help.
    • Mountain Line is seeking your help for a transportation initiative that will hopefully bring more routes closer to Big Sky on a more consistent basis, please take a few minutes to fill out their survey-Mountain Line Survey

    Open House is Monday 9/23! We have several things for families to engage in during this time:

    • 5-6pm-Join me for a conversation and Q&A regarding cell phones-what are you seeing at home, how are things working at school and how can we partner together! Light refreshments served.
    • 6-7pm-tour the school with your child, meet their teachers and learn more about clubs and activities (don’t forget to get your Big Sky gear)!!!

    ***We have a few special quests that will hopefully join us! Mountain Line will be bringing a bus for our students and families to be able to practice getting on the bus, meet a driver and ask questions about how to use the bus, learn how to put your bike on the bus and anything that might help you feel more comfortable using this amazing community resource. 

    ***Nautical Bowls will be available serving their delicious bowls in the parking lot from 5-7pm! 

    Thanks for reading to the end! Have a great week Big Sky, GO EAGLES!

    Jennifer Courtney


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  • Weekly Updates 9.1.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 9/1/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    What a great first week of school! I’m so appreciative of everyone reaching out and asking questions to make sure your child has a positive experience at Big Sky.  Students-you have shown such great growth over the summer and I know it’s going to be a good year! Shout out to our Link Crew members for helping our 9th graders on their first day of school-true school leaders!  Here are reminders and updates for this week:

    • AUP forms (Acceptable Use Forms)-all students will have access to their Google account for a couple of weeks until the District shuts it off if you haven’t turned the forms in or followed the directions in Infinite Campus.  If you need any help please email
    • Open House-Monday September 23rd from 6-7pm.  I will also be hosting a Q&A from 5-6pm (light refreshments provided) to discuss cell phones and what parents are seeing at home and how to partner together. 
    • Don’t forget no school on Monday, we will start with our regular bell schedule-Bell Schedule, I know the times are a little odd, but it’s important you pay close attention to the times (especially for when lunch is over). Auto & AG will be going to those buildings starting this week, so be sure to check the whiteboard in the entrance for your bus number. 
    • Just a reminder to use the large dumpsters in the student lot, if you see a garbage can is full, don’t try and stuff your garbage in there, we have 2 large rolling dumpsters in the parking lot! 

    Parents, guardians and family members-we want you to join Booster Club!! Booster supports all aspects of Big Sky including: athletics, activities, theater, arts, Link Crew, Student Government and International Club to name a few (for our 9th grade parents, think PTO)-if you are interested in joining please use this link-Big Sky Booster Sign Up

    Don’t forget to get your Activity Card from Becca in the Activities office! If you haven’t had your picture taken, make sure you get a receipt so you have that to verify you have your activity card to get into games.

    Have a great week Big Sky, please reach out if you have any questions! 

    Jennifer Courtney


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  • Weekly Updates 8.25.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 8/25/2024

    Dear Big Sky Students & Families-

    Hello Big Sky and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! For many of you this is an exciting but nervous time to start high school, or to make changes to your summer routine, or for our seniors starting to plan for life after high school.  No matter where you are on the high school journey, I am excited to see you all back this week.  For our 9th grade families and new students to Big Sky, this weekly update will come out each week to highlight events, important dates to remember and remind students of our expectations, additionally your child won’t receive this update until they log in for the first time at Big Sky, so please share this with them. 


    • First week of the school schedule is attached.  Please note the bell times for periods on Thursday.  Thursday is an early out day and we will run a 7 period day (which means the classes will be shorter).  We will also have a short assembly for each grade level. 
    • AG Bus-if you have an Agriculture class in your schedule, you will NOT go out to the AG Center next week, the buses will run starting Tuesday September 3rd.  We will have the bus numbers posted so you know which bus to hop on to ride out there.  Students may not drive themselves unless/until you and your parent have filled out the permission to drive form (you will receive these from your AG teachers)
    • Student BBQ, before the 1st home Football game, Friday August 30th! Food is free for students, so please come and join us!
    • Activity Cards-don’t forget to get your activity cards, they are $30 and will get you into all home games and cross town games.  If you don’t have your activity card, you have to pay to enter each game ($30 is a huge savings compared to paying for each game)
    • Annual forms are now available to be processed through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Here is an instruction video to help guide you in this process. If you need help setting up your Parent Portal Account or resetting your password, please email


    Parents, guardians and family members-we want you to join Booster Club!! Booster supports all aspects of Big Sky including: athletics, activities, theater, arts, Link Crew, Student Government and International Club to name a few (for our 9th grade parents, think PTO)-if you are interested in joining please use this link-Big Sky Booster Sign Up


    Let’s have a great start to the school year and as always, my door is open so please don’t hesitate to reach out! GO EAGLES!


    Jennifer Courtney


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  • Final Weekly Updates 6.2.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 6/2/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    This will be your final weekly update until the 24-25’ school year! Thank you for an amazing year, and I wish you all a safe, restful summer break.  I’ll be in touch in August with back to school information. 

    Here are a few reminders to close out the week:

    • Monday-Wednesday-periods 1-7 (no block Wednesday), students should be checking out of classes and returning any materials on Wednesday 6/5
    • Thursday-9:40-12 pm will be an intervention.  We will run shortened 20 mins periods during this time.  At 12pm there will be a BBQ for students (you do not have to pay, all kids can eat) followed by our field day. Students have the option to either come out and observe, be on a team, or stay inside to finish up any outstanding work.
      • If you have all work turned in on Wednesday, nothing outstanding, you are not required to attend Wednesday, however parents do need to call in to excuse attendance. 
    • Friday-No buses are running-this is an invite only day, meaning if your teacher indicates you need to come in and finish anything to close out the semester you need to attend.  If your teacher does not reach out, you are all done with school! Grades will be posted by 12pm Friday, so you can review your 2nd semester grades at that time. 

    If you received a notice for summer programming, whether it is for Original Credit courses or Credit Recovery courses, you still need to return your devices such as chrome books and chargers to the library. 

    Have a great summer Big Sky, thank you for another great year.  I am available throughout the summer if you need anything or have questions, please reach out through email.

    Jennifer Courtney


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  • Weekly Updates 5.26.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 5/26/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    A huge shout out to our Tennis, Track and Softball team, you showed grit despite crazy weather conditions, traveling to multiple locations, staying up until 3:15am to get matches in, battling the cold among many other things, no matter what you showed everyone across the state how Big Sky holds their head high and the Eagle Spirit.  We are all so proud of you! 

    It is hard to believe that this is the Class of 2024’s last week! That means it’s time for the Class of 2025 to step into their shoes. Remember that any “shenanigans” as I like to call them are only funny and cute until they cross a line, so please consider your choices and the impacts they can have on those around you, let’s finish the year safely and productively! 

    Schedule for the week: 

    Monday-No School

    Tuesday-Periods 1-7

    Wednesday-Periods 1-7 (no block day)

    Thursday-Periods 2, ADV, 4, 6

    Friday-Periods 1,3,5,7 (block day)

    ****If you are in auto, you will need to stay at Big Sky Wednesday & Friday (no class those days)


    • Friday May 31 is the last day to register for the trip to Spain with Mrs. Keffeler next spring break! There are FIVE spots left, and we have been given one last voucher for $100 off of the trip if you register by May 30 and use the code “Travel4V”. The only requirement is to be a sophomore or higher next year, and have taken at least one year of Spanish, even if it’s next year! This is a great opportunity! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Keffeler at
    • We’ve already had a number of families register for our Summer 2025 Italy, France, and Spain trip informational meeting. I'm thrilled with how much interest our community has shown in this life-changing experience. When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and I would love to have your student join me on this adventure. I’ve already received quite a few questions about this opportunity. All questions will be answered at the meeting on May 28 at 6:00 PM in Room 5. Registration is mandatory for the meeting, so please register if you have not already:, Looking forward to seeing you all there! Mrs. Keffeler + Mrs. Cook



    Graduation Practice-Seniors are required to attend a mandatory graduation practice at the Adams Center at The University of Montana on Friday, 5/31 at 9am. Students should plan on a 90 minute commitment. Each year graduation is a special time for our families. We will stress appropriate dress and behavior to our students when we gather for rehearsal. 

    At graduation, the diploma’s are not placed in the case, students will need to come back to Big Sky starting Monday 6/3 between 8-2pm to pick up.  Remember if you have any fines or you have not finished your classes you will not receive your diploma until those are satisfied. 

    Class of 2025:

    Ms. Dunfee is offering $50 senior photo session packages to 2025 graduates, and/or families who maybe can't afford the full outrageous price most photographers charge. All proceeds will go towards the yearbook account, which can help low the overall cost. You can check out her website at:

    Have a great week Big Sky, seniors if you or your families have any questions about graduation, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 


    Jennifer Courtney


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  • Weekly Updates 5.19.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 5/19/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    Shout out to all of our athletes headed to state events this week! We wish you the best of luck and can’t wait for you to bring home the hardware to add to the trophy cases! 

    Seniors-it’s so important you review the updates below!!!

    Grad Walks:

    • Target Range students-your grad walk is Wednesday at 8:30am, plan to gather out front of the building with your cap & gown
    • Hawthorne students-your grad walk is Wednesday at 2:30pm, plan to gather out front of the building with your cap & gown.

    ***parents are welcome to come and take pictures! 

    End of Year Events-make sure you take a look at the upcoming events! 

    Graduation Pictures- The following week after graduation go to Lifetouch and enter Photo ID 95331GY24 to view and purchase your graduation photos

    Senior Check Out

    Seniors will check out in their individual classes during finals on Tuesday 5/28 and Wednesday 5/29. All items need to be turned in before graduation. Chromebooks will be due to the Library on Thursday 5/23. Students will not receive diplomas if there are remaining fines.

    Caps and Gowns

    Your student should have already ordered their cap and gown from Jostens or requested to borrow one from Big Sky. If they do not have a cap and gown, they can order one at If purchasing a cap and gown is an undue hardship, they can speak with Shanna in the Family Resource Center, and a cap and gown can be provided.  Please remember this year's cap & gown colors are ROYAL BLUE, you cannot use a previous version of the gowns as those are navy. 

    Additionally, students are not allowed to decorate their caps & gowns.  Students may only wear school issued cords, stoles or other academic or co-curricular adornments during graduation, our Native students may adorn their regalia with beads, feathers, ribbons, or other culturally significant materials (this permissed per SB 319). 

    Graduation Practice

    Seniors are required to attend a mandatory graduation practice at the Adams Center at The University of Montana on Friday, 5/31 at 9am. Students should plan on a 90 minute commitment. Each year graduation is a special time for our families. We will stress appropriate dress and behavior to our students when we gather for rehearsal. 








    All Students


    Finals Schedule:






    No School

    Periods 1-7 (Senior Finals)

    Periods 1-7 (Senior Finals)

    **Seniors Last day

    Periods 2, Adv, 4, 6

    Periods 1, 3, 5, 7






    Periods 1-7

    Periods 1-7 (9th-11th Finals)

    Periods 1-7 (9th-11th Finals)

    Field Day, Intervention Day

    Periods 1-7

    No buses, Intervention Day


    ***Please note the changes to the class periods during the last week of school.  Link Crew & Student Government are also planning a fun field day for Thursday 6/6.  Students will arrive at school at 9:40am and have a shortened schedule to attend classes to wrap up finals, then we will have an all school BBQ hosted by Student Government at 12pm, then field games in the afternoon.  

    In order to plan for the day, we want students to let us know if they want to participate on a team, watch the field days from the stands, be in a directed study hall or if you are all done with finals and a parent will excuse you  for the day.   Please fill out this form so we can anticipate who is planning to participate-Field Day 2024!

    It is free to create a team and participate and we want to have this great event for students and hope that many students will participate!

    Have a great week Big Sky, please reach out if you have any questions! 

    Jennifer Courtney


    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Updates 5.12.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 5/12/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    Lots of reminders to get through this week, so thank you for reading to the end! 


    End of Year Events-make sure you take a look at the upcoming events! We have the grad walks at Target Range & Hawthorne on 5/22, you will meet directly at those schools with your cap & gown.  Parents you are welcome to come and take pictures!

    Graduation Pictures-please look over the attached flier for the code to order your graduation picture taken at graduation. 

    Senior Check Out

    Seniors will check out in their individual classes during finals on Tuesday 5/28 and Wednesday 5/29. All items need to be turned in before graduation. Chromebooks will be due to the Library on Thursday 5/23. Students will not receive diplomas if there are remaining fines.

    Caps and Gowns

    Your student should have already ordered their cap and gown from Jostens or requested to borrow one from Big Sky. If they do not have a cap and gown, they can order one at If purchasing a cap and gown is an undue hardship, they can speak with Shanna in the Family Resource Center, and a cap and gown can be provided.  Please remember this year's cap & gown colors are ROYAL BLUE, you cannot use a previous version of the gowns as those are navy. 

    Additionally, students are not allowed to decorate their caps & gowns.  Students may only wear school issued cords, stoles or other academic or co-curricular adornments during graduation, our Native students may adorn their regalia with beads, feathers, ribbons, or other culturally significant materials (this permissed per SB 319). 

     Graduation Practice

    Seniors are required to attend a mandatory graduation practice at the Adams Center at The University of Montana on Friday, 5/31 at 9am. Students should plan on a 90 minute commitment. Each year graduation is a special time for our families. We will stress appropriate dress and behavior to our students when we gather for rehearsal. 


    All Students

    May 12th-18th is National Prevention Week. Remember that one of the best ways to prevent substance use or misuse is to talk to your children honestly about drugs and/or alcohol. If you would like tips on how to talk to your children, or if you would like additional information, please reach out to Sarah Gittins at (406) 728-2400, ext. 8669. 

    Finals Schedule:






    No School

    Periods 1-7 (Senior Finals)

    Periods 1-7 (Senior Finals)

    **Seniors Last day

    Periods 2, Adv, 4, 6

    Periods 1, 3, 5, 7






    Periods 1-7

    Periods 1-7 (9th-11th Finals)

    Periods 1-7 (9th-11th Finals)

    Field Day, Intervention Day

    Periods 1-7

    No buses, Intervention Day


    ***Please note the changes to the class periods during the last week of school.  Link Crew & Student Government are also planning a fun field day for Thursday 6/6.  Students will arrive at school at 9:40am and have a shortened schedule to attend classes to wrap up finals, then we will have an all school BBQ hosted by Student Government at 12pm, then field games in the afternoon.  

    In order to plan for the day, we want students to let us know if they want to participate on a team, watch the field days from the stands, be in a directed study hall or if you are all done with finals and a parent will excuse you  for the day.   Please fill out this form so we can anticipate who is planning to participate-Field Day 2024!

    It is free to create a team and participate and we want to have this great event for students and hope that many students will participate!

    Senior Art show-The event will be May 15th, reception 6-7 in the Big Sky Commons.  We are showing right before the Eagle Encore.  Curators: Bee Carney, Maya Halter. Student Artists Showing: Jessika Chase, Lev Heaney, Cameron McFarland, Henok McKearnan, Anna-Maurice Michels, Lailie O'Keefe, Olivia Pinner, Sunshine Rising, Annika Loewen, Kion Nordberg and Grace Winn.

    Thank you for another great school year Big Sky! Let’s finish these last few weeks strong! Please reach out if you need anything. 

    Jennifer Courtney


    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Updates 5.5.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 5/5/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    Prom was such an incredible event last night! I hope our students that attended had an amazing time and made lots of memories with their friends.  I’m also so proud of our students and how they represent themselves and Big Sky in such a positive way.  

    There are lots of updates & reminders below, so please read through them all to make sure not to miss anything! 

    • Final Assembly, Thursday during Advisory-this will be our last all school celebration that includes the Class of 2024! Student Government has lots of fun games 
    • Final selection forms for Student Gov't Co-Presidents. Winners will be announced at the assembly Thursday-
    • Yearbooks-Our 2024 yearbook is almost sold out! There are only 30 books left for sale. Pre-order yours today at in order to be guaranteed a book on distribution day. Email with any questions.
    • Teacher of the Year Nominations-It would be amazing if students & parents took a moment to nominate their favorite teacher! This award will be delivered in the spring of 2025 so there is plenty of time, but we want to make sure our teachers get a leg up!!! Teacher of the Year 
    • Parents-take a look at the attached flier for a great presentation on prevention of cannabis use in youth, hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters. 
    • Big Sky High presents Selected Works at the UC Gallery on UM’s Campus Thursday 5/9, Reception 5:30-730 pm. This is the first time Big Sky has shown at this honorable location since before the pandemic. 
    • Missoula Salutes-If you are a senior and have committed to a branch of the Military after high school, you are cordially invited to this event.  Please see the attached flier for more information. 


    Seniors don’t forget…Scholarship Reporting Form & Senior Breakfast

    This is important for all students that have received any awards or recognition to be celebrated during the Senior Breakfast on Thursday May 30th at 9am.  If you want your senior’s scholarship information included, please complete the online Scholarship Reporting Form by the deadline - Friday May 10th.  The Breakfast is an invitation only for students who fill out this reporting form or receive a school issued award. 

    Have a great week Big Sky! Please reach out if you have any questions or need anything. 

    Jennifer Courtney


    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly updates 4.28.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 4/28/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    This upcoming weekend is Prom! If you aren’t following the Big Sky Facebook group, now is a perfect time to start so you can see all of our students having an amazing time! 

    Don’t forget to check the End of Year & Class of 2024 Events Link, some events have been updated! This also includes information for the last day of school for 9th-11th graders. 

    One more week of Senior Updates…

    Scholarship Reporting Form & Senior Breakfast

    This is important for all students that have received any awards or recognition to be celebrated during the Senior Breakfast on Thursday May 30th at 9am.  If you want your senior’s scholarship information included, please complete the online Scholarship Reporting Form by the deadline - Friday May 10th.  The Breakfast is an invitation only for students who fill out this reporting form or receive a school issued award. Invitations will be given to the seniors during the week of May 20th. 


    Senior Check Out

    Seniors will check out in their individual classes during finals on Tuesday 5/28 and Wednesday 5/29. All items need to be turned in before graduation. Chromebooks will be due to the Library on Thursday 5/23. Students will not receive diplomas if there are remaining fines.


    Caps and Gowns

    Your student should have already ordered their cap and gown from Jostens or requested to borrow one from Big Sky. If they do not have a cap and gown, they can order one at If purchasing a cap and gown is an undue hardship, they can speak with Shanna in the Family Resource Center, and a cap and gown can be provided.  Please remember this year's cap & gown colors are ROYAL BLUE, you cannot use a previous version of the gowns as those are navy. 


    Additionally, students are not allowed to decorate their caps & gowns.  Students may only wear school issued cords, stoles or other academic or co-curricular adornments during graduation, our Native students may adorn their regalia with beads, feathers, ribbons, or other culturally significant materials (this permissed per SB 319). 


    Graduation Practice

    Seniors are required to attend a mandatory graduation practice at the Adams Center at The University of Montana on Friday, 5/31 at 9am. Students should plan on a 90 minute commitment. Each year graduation is a special time for our families. We will stress appropriate dress and behavior to our students when we gather for rehearsal. 


    Eagle Medallions

    The Eagle Medallion Medal is the highest honor given to any MCPS student. Big Sky awards up to 25 seniors at graduation with this honor.  Seniors are not notified prior to graduation if they will be receiving this award. This award is not based just on academics and involvement in activities, all staff are required to participate in order to make sure students that demonstrate the medallion qualities are provided an opportunity. 


    Eagle Medallion Criteria includes:

    • 3.5 GPA or higher
    • Scholarship
    • Leadership
    • Service programs such as (but not limited to): DECA, Student Government, Key Club, Special Olympics.
    • Athletic Participation-Big Sky sports only considered
    • Activity Participation-Big Sky activities only considered (examples to include but not limited to Speech & Debate, FFA, BPA, HOSA, Robotics, Art Club, Student Government)
    • Performing Arts Participation
    • Literary programs-to include but not limited to: Aerie Magazine, Yearbook, Eagle TV
    • Perseverance and Creative problem solving
    • Demonstration of Overcoming Personal Adversity
    • Demonstration of Critical Thinking
    • Ability to professionally communicate and collaborate with peers, teachers, staff & school leadership.
    • Demonstration of Independence and Self-Reliance
    • Demonstration of strength of character


    Other important considerations:

    • Students who have received any major Office Discipline Referrals during their 4 years at Big Sky will not be considered. 
    • Students with less than 3.5 GPA may be considered if they are recommended by staff and have shown qualities in other criteria categories.
    • Courses rigor will not impact consideration-for example students taking 4 years of math will not be considered over students that have only taken the required 3 years of math. 
    • Students who are in specialized programs such as having an IEP (Individualized Education Plan or 504) will be considered equally based on the stated criteria.



    Graduation will be at 9am on Saturday, June 1st at the Adams Center at the University of Montana and will last approximately 90 minutes. The graduates are required to be lined up in the East Auxiliary Gym (as practiced) no later than 8am. Parking passes are not needed on graduation day and tickets are not required. We all hope that graduation weekend will be filled with excitement and positive memories.  Many family members and friends will travel hundreds of miles to share in this experience.


    Hopefully for our 9th-11th graders seeing all of this information gets them excited to see themselves as future graduates! We are so proud of our Big Sky students.  Take Care Big Sky, have a great week.


    Jennifer Courtney


    Comments (-1)
  • Weekly Updates 4.21.24

    Posted by Jennifer Courtney on 4/21/2024

    Big Sky Students & Families-

    It’s hard to believe but Graduation is right around the corner! This week’s updates will have important information for our 12th graders and their families.

    Don’t forget to check the End of Year & Class of 2024 Events Link, some events have been updated! This also includes information for the last day of school for 9th-11th graders. 

    Scholarship Reporting Form & Senior Breakfast

    This is important for all students that have received any awards or recognition to be celebrated during the Senior Breakfast on Thursday May 30th at 9am.  If you want your senior’s scholarship information included, please complete the online Scholarship Reporting Form by the deadline - Friday May 10th.  The Breakfast is an invitation only for students who fill out this reporting form or receive a school issued award. Invitations will be given to the seniors during the week of May 

    Senior Check Out

    Seniors will check out in their individual classes during finals on Tuesday 5/28 and Wednesday 5/29. All items need to be turned in before graduation. Chromebooks will be due to the Library on Thursday 5/23. Students will not receive diplomas if there are remaining fines.


    Caps and Gowns

    Your student should have already ordered their cap and gown from Jostens or requested to borrow one from Big Sky. If they do not have a cap and gown, they can order one at If purchasing a cap and gown is an undue hardship, they can speak with Shanna in the Family Resource Center, and a cap and gown can be provided.  Please remember this year's cap & gown colors are ROYAL BLUE, you cannot use a previous version of the gowns as those are navy. 


    Additionally, students are not allowed to decorate their caps & gowns.  Students may only wear school issued cords, stoles or other academic or co-curricular adornments during graduation, our Native students may adorn their regalia with beads, feathers, ribbons, or other culturally significant materials (this is allowed per SB 319). 

    Graduation Practice

    Seniors are required to attend a mandatory graduation practice at the Adams Center at The University of Montana on Friday, 5/31 at 9am. Students should plan on a 90 minute commitment. Each year graduation is a special time for our families. We will stress appropriate dress and behavior to our students when we gather for rehearsal. 


    Eagle Medallions

    The Eagle Medallion Medal is the highest honor given to any MCPS student. Big Sky awards up to 25 seniors at graduation with this honor.  Seniors are not notified prior to graduation if they will be receiving this award. This award is not based just on academics and involvement in activities, all staff are required to participate in order to make sure students that demonstrate the medallion qualities are provided an opportunity. 


    Eagle Medallion Criteria includes:

    • 3.5 GPA or higher
    • Scholarship
    • Leadership
    • Service programs such as (but not limited to): DECA, Student Government, Key Club, Special Olympics.
    • Athletic Participation-Big Sky sports only considered
    • Activity Participation-Big Sky activities only considered (examples to include but not limited to Speech & Debate, FFA, BPA, HOSA, Robotics, Art Club, Student Government)
    • Performing Arts Participation
    • Literary programs-to include but not limited to: Aerie Magazine, Yearbook, Eagle TV
    • Perseverance and Creative problem solving
    • Demonstration of Overcoming Personal Adversity
    • Demonstration of Critical Thinking
    • Ability to professionally communicate and collaborate with peers, teachers, staff & school leadership.
    • Demonstration of Independence and Self-Reliance
    • Demonstration of strength of character


    Other important considerations:

    • Students who have received any major Office Discipline Referrals during their 4 years at Big Sky will not be considered. 
    • Students with less than 3.5 GPA may be considered if they are recommended by staff and have shown qualities in other criteria categories.
    • Courses rigor will not impact consideration-for example students taking 4 years of math will not be considered over students that have only taken the required 3 years of math. 
    • Students who are in specialized programs such as having an IEP (Individualized Education Plan or 504) will be considered equally based on the stated criteria.



    Graduation will be at 9am on Saturday, June 1st at the Adams Center at the University of Montana and will last approximately 90 minutes. The graduates are required to be lined up in the East Auxiliary Gym (as practiced) no later than 8am. Parking passes are not needed on graduation day and tickets are not required. We all hope that graduation weekend will be filled with excitement and positive memories.  Many family members and friends will travel hundreds of miles to share in this experience.

    Hopefully for our 9th-11th graders seeing all of this information gets them excited to be future graduates! We are so proud of our Big Sky students.  Take Care Big Sky, have a great week.

    Jennifer Courtney


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