Grading Policies


    Choir students: you are now in high school and soon will be adults. Take control of your grades and be responsible. Discuss any performance conflicts, grade issues, etc. with Mrs. McKenzie in a professional manner.


    The grading scale for choir is as follows:

    A – 90 – 100  Superior (outstanding choir student)

    B – 80 – 89   Excellent (can improve in minor ways)

    C – 70 – 79 Satisfactory (doing fine, making progress)

    D – 60 – 69  Unsatisfactory (needs improvement)

    F – 0 – 59  Failing (not meeting minimum class expectations)


    Students will earn their grade in the following seven categories:


    Daily attendance in choir is extremely important. It’s hard to make up a missed rehearsal, because you can’t really re-create that process. Please come to school! You will receive 10 points for each day’s class attendance. Missing a lot of class WILL negatively impact your grade, and you will need to practice at home to make up days missed. THIS INCLUDES MEDICALLY EXCUSED ABSENCES – they still need to be made up!

    You will be deducted five points for being tardy. On-time behavior is so important for musicians. If you're not early, you're late!

    If you miss a day - check google classroom for makeup work. It will automatically be assigned to you if you are absent. If you can't find it, please check in with me!

           2. REHEARSAL SKILLS – 30%

    Points are earned by singing out strong, being ready to learn and work, putting your phone away, participating in a positive manner (not talking and being distracting) being positive, open-minded, and working well with other choir members, and by showing a constant desire to create and experience great music. 



    Choir is a performance ensemble. Participation at all scheduled performances is MANDATORY. Our performances are just like tests in other classes. It is your responsibility to attend performances and work out conflicts in advance.

    PLEASE CONTACT MRS. M BEFORE MISSING A CONCERT. This is just common courtesy. We need to know you’ll be missing so we can plan around your absence. DON’T JUST NOT SHOW – call, text, let me know before the show. 

    Pre-arranged/excused absence from a performance: You’ll be given a makeup assignment.

    Unexcused absence: Loss of full 30%, and grounds for dismissal from class

    Tardy to a performance: Loss of 5%. Be on time!


    Written work will be mostly in-class, and will center around music theory and sightreading. If you miss class, make sure you check google classroom about any missed written work – this is your responsibility. Students will be tested in small groups or individually at least four times per year. These tests will be on choir music, sightreading, and music skills. They do not weigh heavily in the grade, but are important for feedback.