- Hellgate High School
- Classroom Information
About Mr. Johnson
Josh Johnson
Math - Room 138
Email: jjohnson@mcpsmt.org
Phone: (406) 728-2400 ext. 6681
(I check my voicemail infrequently. Email is definitely the best way to contact me.)For Students
- For assignments, answer keys, notes, announcements, and other day-to-day classroom happenings, check the Google Classroom page for your class.
- Algebra 1 - first period
- IB Math A&I Year 1: second period, fourth period, fifth period, seventh period
- Things you will need every day in class:
- a folder or binder or notebook or some other way to keep material for this class organized
- paper (I encourage you to find something you like that is NOT lined notebook paper. Math is better when you're not squeezing it into lines.)
- a pencil (pens don't work as well for math)
- If you want to meet with me in zero period, office hours, during one of my prep periods, or after school, send me an email. I've never had a student who didn't come away from a meeting with me feeling more confident about their work in the classroom.
For Parents
- I am excited about parents who are involved in their children's education. If you have concerns, questions, or just want to say hello, send me an email. I'm also happy to arrange an in person or zoom or telephone meeting if email proves inadequate. If I need to reach you, I will almost certainly start with an email, so please make sure your contact information in Infinite Campus is correct.
- The most fundamental support you can provide for your student's education is to ensure that she or he comes to class every day. Almost every student will need to miss class once in a while, but please encourage your student to find out what work they missed and make up missed work promptly.
- If you want to follow your student in my class on Google Classroom or Infinite Campus, and you're not doing so already, please reach out. I'll try to help connect you, or refer you to someone who can.
- For assignments, answer keys, notes, announcements, and other day-to-day classroom happenings, check the Google Classroom page for your class.

About Me
I had a long first career before returning to the classroom over the past few years, and I am so happy to be here.
I graduated from high school in Missoula and then left Montana for college and graduate school. I've lived and worked in Seattle, New York City, Chicago, and the San Francisco Bay Area, but I'm very excited to be in Montana again.
When I'm not teaching math or working with students, you'll find me spending time with family, running on roads and trails, trying to keep my old log cabin from falling apart, or convincing myself to read a book instead of watching HBO.
B.S. - Mathematics, University of Chicago
B.A. - Geophysics, University of Chicago
J.D. - Stanford University
M.Ed. - University of Montana