Business Professionals of America

  • BPA (Business Professionals of America) is a student run business club.  It has three main aspects:  the school store, competitions, and community service.  Each member is required to work at the school store, the Knight Knock, providing members an opportunity to learn and develop important work skills.  BPA also participates in competitions outside of the normal classroom experience that are fun and challenging.  Students compete in a wide variety of events ranging from accounting and human resources - to speech and programming.  In addition, Montana BPA is the largest student sponsor of Special Olympics in the state, and Hellgate BPA has several community service event each year to raise money for this cause.  


  • BPA meets on the second Monday of every month and as a member you are expected to attend each month.  There will be occasional extra meetings for those participating in competitions or for community service.

  • OFFICERS 2022-2023

    President: Melina LaPlante (12)

    Vice-President: Faith You (10) & Juliet Geilen (10)

    Secretary: Kylie Lopuch (12)

    Communications Officers: Awa Mirani (12), Juliet Geilen (10), Faith You (10)

    Store Manager: Illiana Santiago (11)

    Sergeant of Arms: James Faust (12)

Contact Information

  • Beth Huguet


    Follow @hellgatebpa on Instagram to stay up to date!