News for March 25, 2024

Posted by Jesse Dochnahl on 3/25/2024

Welcome back from Spring Break,

Congratulations to all our students for their exceptional preparations, progress, and excellence during the busy winter Festival season. From the UM Band Festival, the AA Band Festival, the Billings Jazz Fest, and the UM Buddy DeFranco Jazz Fest, all our students had numerous moments to shine through regular personal practice, group sectionals, awesome student-leadership, and inspiring performances.

Congratulations to the Jazz Bands for their awards at the UM Jazz Fest on March 14:  Best Saxophone Section, Best Rhythm Section, and THREE Best Soloists (Gus Hickey, Noah Morss, Noah Rosulek), plus many more rewarding lessons, clinics, performances, and experiences.

Spring is going to be immensely rewarding for every band student that gives their best: the MHSA District Music Festival events and the return of Hellgate's Swing for a Knight are right around the corner, plus the first deadlines for the New Orleans band trip. Check our events page and the breakdown below. Thank you for your commitment to excellence at Hellgate! -Mr. Dochnahl

Upcoming Events and Deadlines - See our Events Page for the Full Calendar

  • April 5 - Play test due on Classroom (1st All-State etude and chromatic scale)
  • Monday, April 8, 7:00 PM - New Orleans Trip Kick-Off meeting (band room or Zoom)
  • April 10, 7:30 PM at UM Recital Hall - world famous tuba player Oystein Baadsvik performance
  • April 17, 7:00 PM, Spring Festival Band Concert at Hellgate featuring all ensembles
  • April 18, 8:15 AM - 11:00 AM, all bands perform for MHSA judges at HHS
  • April 18 - New Orleans Commitment Contract Due
  • April 19 - New Orleans Online Registration Deadline
  • April 20, 8:00 AM - 3:30PM, District Solo/Ensemble Festival at Big Sky High School
    • For Jazz Groups, Percussion, Solos, and all Small Ensembles
    • Piano solos will be Friday, April 19 - be sure to register with Dochnahl
  • April 26 - New Orleans 1st payment due
  • May 1, 7:00 PM at SHS:   Airmen of Note Air Force Jazz Band, REGISTER TO ATTEND NOW
  • May 3 or 4, State Music Festival
  • May 8, 6:00 PM, Swing for a Knight Fundraiser Dance Concert at Missoula Fairgrounds Home Arts Building
  • May 15, 7:00 PM, Hellgate Pops Concert
  • May 17, Noami Siegel's touring band workshops at Hellgate during class

Band Photo Album: Please view and add photos here. Thank you!

"Swing for a Knight" Fundraiser Dance - Save the Date:  May 8, 6:30-9:00 PM, Home Arts Building at the Missoula County Fairgrounds. Please visit our Swing for a Knight website for info and donations. We need everyone's help in soliciting donations for the event. Thank you for stepping up to get the whole Missoula community involved.