2020 HOSA State Competition with 10 students standing arm in arm in a gymnasium.

HOSA State Conference

  • The Hellgate HOSA club 2021-22 continues to expand our membership numbers and exceed previous years’ energy and excitement as we entered the State competitions this year.  We had 15 members qualify for the state competition this year in all of our events attempted: team, individual and testing.

    This year's competition was newly formatted: Students had to pre-test to determine if they moved forward to the next round.  Many students had to submit their materials by mid- March to be considered for final round competitions held in Billings in April, 5th and 6th.  All Hellgate students passed with flying colors to move on in each level of competition.    This is our 6th year of Hellgate HOSA, and each year continues to grow from the previous, we doubled our membership this year and doubled our participants at the State Competition.

    Thank you to all who support the club and these awesome students. Special thanks to Julie Burckhard, our awesome librarian and test manager, without whom we could not even begin to participate.

    Congratulations to these students and all of their hard work!!!  And amazing success!!

    Maggie Vann- 3rd HOSA Bowl, nursing assistant: 

    Linds- Healthy lifestyle 2nd Place, nutrition 

    Chloe Caldwell - Health Education 1st 

    Silas Powers - Health Education  1st

    Beatrice Shimanek- Public Health 2nd

    Kaitlyn Skinner- Public Health 2nd

    Laine Banziger - HOSA Bowl 3rd, Biomedical Lab Technologies, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology 1st

    Kaeleigh Starkey - HOSA Bowl 3rd

    Juliet Geilen - Health Education 1st

    Faith You- Biomedical Debate 1st, Nutrition, Family Medicine 2nd 

    Ashley Kim- Biomedical Debate: 1st, Medical Law and Ethics, Nutrition 1st, Cultural Diversities and Disparities in Health 1st

    Mila- Veterinary Science 1st, Medical Math, and HOSA Bowl 3rd

    Anika SmithBiomedical Debate 1st, Nutrition 

    Wynn McCann - Health Career Photography