• Welcome Back to IB SEHS - YR 2 HL

    This year we will continue to work on new units, as well as actively review information from last year.  Be sure to have your packets on hand to reference as we move through the information in a new and hopefully creative plan :)

    As per last year, Google classroom is going to be your go-to resource for notes, assignments and other key info. Be sure to check the Sunday notes each week to be ready to roll for the week.  Also, per last year, missing a class will create more work for you to do on your own, be sure to let me know so I can keep you up to date, and refer you to what to look for in Google classroom.  Also remember our conversation about Academic Integrity - IB requires authentic work as part of your learning experience. 

    We will be revisiting and polishing your MOLR this year. More on that as we get to October.  September will be a quick and different approach to reviewing Anatomy (Unit 1) and Cardiovascular function (Unit 2). 

    I am excited for a 2nd year with you all and can't wait to see how it all flows together :)

    Ms P