• General English 2

    Ms. Tomsich



    E-Mail:  altomsich@mcpsmt.org

    Phone:  728-2400 ext. 8668

    Big Sky Logo


    Welcome to General English 2


    This course utilizes the Engage New York curriculum and mirrors its English 2 counterpart course.  The text we will be engaging with is complex and will be read and analyzed in class.  Additional nonfiction and fiction texts will be used in alignment with Common Core Learning Standards.  The central goal of this course is to foster critical thinking skills and comprehension strategies in order to empower students to draw meaning and purpose through literacy.


    Classroom Code of Conduct:

    • I am responsible-Be on time and ready to learn.

    • I am respectful-Respect yourself and others.

    • I am resilient-Put forth your best effort.

    • I am ready-Request help if you need it.

    Classroom Expectations:

    • Please take care of personal needs before coming to class.

    • Finish all food and drinks before coming to class.  A water bottle is ok.

    • No phones (off and placed in the class phone holder at the beginning of class and remain in the holder until the end of class) or other electronic devices; unless pre-approved by Ms. Tomsich.

    • Hats must be worn correctly (facing forward) or not at all (this applies to ALL students).

    • No hoods (this applies to ALL students).

    • One person out of the room at a time (bathroom requests for either the first or last 10 minutes of class will be restricted unless there is an emergency). 


    Tardy Policy:

    A tardy is defined as a student not being in class when the bell rings.  If you are tardy, check in at the office.  Use E-hall Pass to note your arrival time.

    • Every minute you are late for class, you must “pay” back those minutes by staying after class.

    • Tardy #4 in a quarter results in a level 1 discipline referral to the Dean..

    • Tardy #5 in a quarter will result in a level 2 discipline referral to the Dean.

    Grading Scale:








    I have read the syllabus and classroom code of conduct and understand it. I will honor it while working with Ms. Tomsich in my English class.

    Student signature: __________________________________________  Date: _______



    My student has discussed the syllabus and classroom expectations with me. I understand it and support it.

    Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______

Common Core Learning Standards we are concentrating on for reading and writing