Substances & Weapons

  • Hellgate is a substance-free campus.
    Use/Possession of Alcohol:
    Students will not engage in use of alcohol on campus or show up to school under the influence. This includes evidence of being under the influence or in possession of alcohol by look, smell, action, or result of Passive Alcohol Sensor (PAS). Refusal to comply with administrative request to submit to PAS will constitute evidence of use and result in commensurate consequence.
    Use/Possession of Tobacco:
    Students will not engage in tobacco use on campus. Use or possession of tobacco products and paraphernalia, including electronic or smokeless devices, is strictly prohibited in the school or on the school grounds.
    Use/Possession of Drugs:
    Students will not engage in drug use.  This includes evidence of being under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs by look, smell or action and possession of drug paraphernalia.
    Transfer/Distribution/Sale of Drugs:
    Students will not engage in the sale, transfer or distribution of drugs. This includes evidence of reasonable suspicion of student engagement in the transfer/distribution/sale of illegal drugs.
    Weapons Possession:
    Students shall not have or transfer weapons, (including but not limited to) knives, guns, martial arts weapons, flammables, explosives or anything that could cause danger to the health and safety of students or staff. (Facsimiles of weapons are considered to be weapons.)
    Knives of any size are not allowed on campus.