
  • Jeff Dohn Jeff Dohn
    728-2400 X6607

    I have been teaching mathematics at Hellgate since 1986.  A native of LaMoure, North Dakota, I earned an undergraduate degree from Jamestown College with majors in Mathematics and Biology.  Post-graduate work includes time at the University of North Dakota culminating in a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Curriculum and Instruction awarded from the University of Montana.  I have taught virtually all courses in the secondary mathematics curriculum and currently teach   IB Applications and Interpretions Year 2.   I am the Mathematics Department Chair, a Varsity Assistant Football Coach and the Head Boys and Girls Track Coach.



  • Period 1 - Prep

    Period 2 - IB Applications and Interpretations Year 2  

    Period 3 - IB Applications and Interpretations Year 2  

    Period 4 - Credit Recovery

    Period 5 - IB Applications and Interpretations Year 2    

    Period 6 - IB Applications and Interpretations Year 2

    Period 7 - Prep  


    Google Classroom Codes  2023-2024

    IB Applications and Interpretation Year 2:  i7bfmdj