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Course Descriptions
Intro to Art - Semester
(Prerequisite for most classes)
This class is designed to give you the information you will need to be successful in the next level of classes. Intro to Art covers basic techniques and methods of art. A few things you will cover are Elements of Art, Principles of Design, Color Theory, Composition Theory, development of a portfolio, history of art and contemporary art. The media exploration might include printmaking, oil pastel, chalk pastel, charcoal, watercolor and acrylic painting, drawing, sculpture, and mixed media.
TLDR: Take this class so you can take the other classes. There are things in here that will help you.
Ceramics - Semester
(Prerequisite: Intro to Art)
This is a super fun class that is designed to introduce clay methods and techniques to students through the use of hand-building, wheel-throwing and surface treatment. Students produce a variety of ceramic pieces that they take from raw clay through the firing and glazing processes to completion of a final piece.
TLDR: You make cool things from clay with your hands, tools, and spinning wheels.
Drawing - Semester
(Prerequisite: Intro to Art)
If you enjoyed drawing in Intro to Art, or if you want to learn more, drawing is the class for you! Students receive an historical, cultural, and contemporary overview of drawing techniques, media and the study of art masters and movements. This is a great class to take that contributes to success in ALL mediums of Art.
TLDR: It’s drawing. Pretty self-explanatory.
Graphic Illustration - Semester
(Prerequisite: Intro to Art)
This is a new to Big Sky course where students will explore Graphic Illustration components such as narrative, decoration, informative, and conceptual. Students will learn techniques, history, and concepts of Graphic Illustration. Students learn how the power of visual expression interacts with facets of society and widens the occupational and creative perspective of students. Students apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design and multi-media techniques to assignments.
TLDR: Think Manga, comic books, advertisements, visual directions, decor, combining technology with traditional mediums.
Painting - Semester
(Prerequisite: Intro to Art)
Painting is an art class designed to develop student’s techniques using watercolor, gouache, oil, tempera, acrylic, and mixed media painting. Through the use of color theory, tools, and mixing techniques, students paint in a variety of styles & media. Students receive an overview of contemporary and historical art masters and movements.
TLDR: Smearing colored paste using a hairy stick onto a variety of surfaces. It is fun.
Senior Studio + IB Y1&Y2 - Year Long
(Prerequisite: Intro to Art and two additional Art courses)
Senior Studio is designed to provide serious art students with an opportunity to pursue in-depth studies in different types of artistic problem-solving using a variety of media, research, documentation, assessment, and evaluation. Students will work in advanced and maximum levels through the progression of this course. Work will be displayed at a year end show. IB students will work through IB goals and objectives including comparative study, progress portfolio, and curated show.
TLDR: You have run out of art classes to take and/or have a medium you prefer and enough ideas to make work and curate your own show. IB - you want this as part of your IB diploma.
Jewelry - Semester
(NO Prerequisite)
Jewelry presents the opportunity for students to work with a variety of materials and techniques. Mediums that might be covered include metal, beads, leather, wood, clay, and much more! Students receive a historical, cultural and contemporary overview of jewelry. Students are exposed to methods and processes that have stood the test of time, and are encouraged to improvise.
TLDR: You make pretty art that you wear. It’s fun and you design what you want using the techniques taught in class.
Sculpture - Semester
(NO Prerequisite)
Sculpture presents opportunities for students to work with a variety of sculptural techniques and materials. Students will receive a historical and cultural overview of sculpture. Mediums might include clay, metal smelting, wax, and plaster.
TLDR: Make 3D art using a bunch of different materials.