Boys, Melissa--Social Studies
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- Big Sky High School
- IB History of the Americas
P3 Google Classroom Code: zbagi4p
P5 Google Classroom Code: q52ygcy
P6 Google Classroom Code: s2y6cd3
Course DescriptionIn this course, students will investigate significant eras, events, and individuals in American history. Students will learn to analyze primary and secondary sources, make causal connections between events, and identify historical themes spanning time and place. Students will develop a framework for studying historical issues of political, social, economic, and cultural importance using six key concepts: perspectives, continuity, causation, consequence, change, and significance.
Students will study the following periods in American history:
- Indigenous People, European Exploration & Conquest
- Colonization of the Americas
- American Revolution
- Foundations of A New Nation*
- Civil War & Reconstruction*
- Immigration, Gilded Age, Progressive Era
- Foreign Policy & World War I
- Great Depression, New Deal, World War II*
- Civil Rights Movements*
Within each unit, students will focus on the history of the United States while incorporating the history of its North, Central and South American neighbors. Students planning to take the IB History exam in their senior year should pay special attention to those units marked by an asterisk.
During this course, students will gain factual knowledge of these periods in history, but more importantly, they will develop the skills of careful reading, source analysis, historical interpretation, critical thinking, and effective written and oral communication.
Why is this a required course? Because studying history helps us develop an understanding of our past, which leads us to a deeper understanding of today and helps us make better, more informed choices.
Class Expectations
This course is designed around active, positive classroom citizenship and will cover complex, conflicting, and controversial events and ideas. In order to foster meaningful class discussions and prepare successfully for assessments, students should come to class on time and fully-prepared each day. Most importantly, students should come to class poised to share ideas and opinions in a respectful, open-minded manner.
Google Classroom is an essential course tool. I will post slide presentations, assignments, readings and handouts in Classroom, and students will need to answer questions and submit assignments through Classroom. Please let me know immediately if you do not have access to a computer or internet service at home so we can make other arrangements.Students should take notes on readings, lectures and discussions in a manner that prepares them for summative assessments and the IB history . I recommend taking notes on loose-leaf paper or in a notebook and using a 3-ring binder to organize readings, handouts and notes. All coursework must be written legibly on loose-leaf paper, printed on copy paper or submitted electronically.
If you are absent, check Google Classroom, review the day’s slide presentation, and complete any assignments if you are able. You will have one week upon your return to school to complete missing work. If you need additional time, please contact me to develop a schedule for completing your work.
I accept late work until the end of the unit in which it was assigned. Unless you have made an alternate arrangement with me, I will mark all missing assignments as “0” at the end of each unit.
Students are expected to follow all Big Sky High School policies in this classroom. In particular, please familiarize yourself with the school’s policies for attendance, academic honesty, cell phone use, and appropriate conduct as explained in the Big Sky Student Handbook. I will enforce these policies uniformly and consistently.
Grading Policy
For larger or summative assignments, I use a 4-point standards-based scale. Please review the attached standards-based grading rubric for a more detailed explanation of each standard.
1 Beginning Skill and Knowledge
2 Approaching Skill and Knowledge
3 Achieving Skill and Knowledge
4 Mastering Skill and KnowledgeFor smaller, formative assignments, I use a 3-point checkmark system.
✓- Incomplete, Limited Understanding
✓ Complete, General Understanding
✓+ Detailed, Comprehensive UnderstandingYour course grade will consist of the following components:
70% Summative Assessments (Papers, Tests, Projects, Presentations)
20% Formative Assessments (Homework, Quizzes)
10% IB Learner Skills, Eagle Code, Career and College ReadinessUsing this standard-based grading scale and these components, I will post progress report, mid-term and final grades using these grade ranges:
A 85-100%
B 70-84.5%
C 50-69.5%
D 35-49.5%
F Below 34.9%Do not wait until the end of the progress period to express dissatisfaction with your grades. Please check our Google Classroom and your Infinite Campus account frequently and talk with me about any concerns. I’m here to help you learn!