
    • become members of a distinguished group of 58,000+ outstanding art students
    • gain peer recognition, leadership growth opportunities, college and career preparation, and an unmatched sense of camaraderie
    • are eligible to apply for the Rising Stars Secondary Recognition Program Award (Juniors and Seniors only)
    • are eligible to apply for the Charles M. Robertson Memorial Scholarship and scholarships to Columbus College of Art, Maryland Institute College of Art and The Art Institute (Seniors only)
    • have the opportunity to be published in NAHS News (the semi-annual, full-color digital publication of the NAHS program). Artwork submitted for inclusion is often used in other NAEA publications
    • are eligible to submit artwork for possible inclusion in the annual NAHS/NJAHS Juried Exhibition held at the NAEA Studio & Gallery
    • participate as an Art Handler in the annual MAM auction
    • attend MAI (Montana Art Interscholastics) yearly with other high school students from across the state that have a strong interst in art and attend a variety of art workshops in unique media