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    Big Sky Speech and Debate seeks to be open and welcome as many students as possible.  Like Track and Field, there are a wide range of events for competitors, including 9 Speech events and 4 Debate events.  Speech and Debate is considered a Montana High School Association sanctioned competitive activity. Students will have the opportunity to participate and compete, and up to 4 students per event are able to make the Varsity team in any given year. Our goal is to assist students in discovering and/or improving upon their own unique abilities as far as speaking, writing, critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership to benefit them individually, as a team, as a school, and in our Missoula community.

    *Please reference the handbook or email the Head Coach for more information or questions*

    You can also follow our Instagram (@bigskyspeechndebate) and Facebook (Big Sky Speech and Debate) pages to stay in the loop!

Speech Events

Speech Events

Debate Events

General Information

    • A varsity team that represents Big Sky High School at tournaments around the state.
    • Anyone can join, participate and compete, regardless of experience or grade level.
    • Travel, compete for Big Sky, have the chance to earn a varsity letter and one of the Varsity State spots.
    • Members of Varsity Speech and Debate Teams also participate in:  Volleyball, Football, Drama, Softball, Health Science Academy, International Baccalaureate, Band, Choir, Model UN, Soccer, HOSA, Tennis, Track, FFA, Cheerleading and more.....