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- Staff Members
- Adams, AB (7th Grade)
- Baughman, Brady (English Language Learners)
- Boone, Joseph (6th Grade)
- Burwick, Helen (Counselor [6th Grade Last Names A-K & 7th Grade])
- Carroll, Erica (6th Grade)
- Clarkson, Mica (Structured Learning Program)
- Cornelius, Ariel (Assistant Principal, Athletic Director)
- Craton, Marie (Life Skills)
- Dowdle, Rebecca (6th Grade Paraprofessional)
- Dunbar, Shanna (Nurse)
- Edge, Scott (Project Lead The Way)
- Eisenzimer, Britany (7th Grade)
- Gruber, Jason (Orchestra)
- Hammett, Melissa (6th/8th Grade)
- Hammitt, Mindy (7th Grade)
- Haster, Candice (Art)
- Hathaway, Carleen (Structured Learning Program Paraprofessional)
- Hiday, Josh (8th Grade Special Education)
- Jarvis, Terry (8th Grade)
- Jennings, Kelly (School Psychologist)
- Jernigan, Zia (Project Lead The Way/Business)
- Johnson, Tanya (8th grade)
- Kelly, Ciana (Secretary)
- Lipke, Brianna (Librarian)
- Lochridge, Lorie (Occupational Therapist)
- Lombardi, Elizabeth (7th Grade Special Education)
- Love, Blake (7th Grade)
- Maas, Helen (English Language Learners)
- Marks, Kasey (8th Grade)
- Martin, Jim (6th Grade)
- Martz, James (7th Grade)
- Maughan, Amanda (6th Grade)
- Maughan, David (Spanish)
- McFarland, Allie (8th grade)
- McGuire, Kelly (Behavior Interventionist)
- McLeod, Erin (6th grade)
- Moe, Brian (7th grade)
- Nowlen, Mindy (8th Grade)
- Payne, Alex (8th Grade)
- Pfeiffer, Jen (Family Resource Center/Families in Transition)
- Pierce, Jodi (7th grade)
- Poppema, Lexi (Secretary)
- Rieley, Kim (Librarian)
- Roberts, Kristin (6th Grade Special Education)
- Schapley, Jo (Counselor [6th Grade Last Names L-Z & 8th Grade])
- Schmautz, Laurel (8th Grade Paraprofessional)
- Schroeder, Michelle (Band)
- Shepherd, Nick (8th Grade)
- Shockley, Cyndi (7th Grade Paraprofessional)
- Smart, Amy (Choir)
- Snodgrass, Sarah (Speech Language Pathologist)
- Solberg, Ty (Principal)
- Tollefson, Sander (6th grade)
- Vallejo, Heather (6th Grade)
- Vesledahl, Marilie (Title I)
- Students
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