• 2024 Season Begins on September 3nd




    • Season - September 3rd -
    • Sign-up Date - August 30th - September 3rd
    • 1st Day of Practice - September 3rd
        • Mon–Wed 2:45 – 4:30 p.m. & Thur 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
    • Meet Schedule 
    • Athletic Agreement/Waiver & Code of Conduct: Parents must sign an Athletic Agreement/Waiver and the Code of Conduct for their child to participate in Athletics at the middle school level. This is one form with two signatures. Students may get a copy of the waiver from the office, or it can be downloaded below. The form must be returned to the office before they are allowed to practice.
    • Each student will pay a $40 activity fee which must be paid before the first game to participate.

    MCPS Middle School Student in Good Standing

    The Board of Directors of the Missoula County Public Schools offers a variety of voluntary activities designed to enhance the classroom education of its students.  Students who participate in extracurricular activities serve as ambassadors of the school district throughout the calendar year, whether away from or at school.  Students who wish to exercise this privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with the board policy and must refrain from activities that are illegal, immoral, unhealthy, or highly inappropriate.  Participation in these activities is a privilege, conditioned upon meeting the eligibility criteria established by the board, administration, and individual activity coaches and sponsors.  The activities director shall keep records of violations.

    All MCPS Middle Schools follow the Student in Good Standing expectations for extracurricular events and activities.  Any student who is not meeting these requirements during the season will not be allowed to participate.


    Students in Good Standing earn passing grades (D or higher) in all classes.  

    • The eligibility of students earning a failing grade in one or more subjects will be reviewed.  Athletic Directors will check the grades of students periodically throughout the athletic season.  They will use their best judgment to determine when these checks should occur.
      • Students who are failing during a grade check will be ineligible for the next 5 days. During this time, they are expected to attend practice but will not be allowed to participate in games or competitions.
      • After 5 days, a follow-up grade check will be conducted to determine eligibility. If a student has raised their grades, they will be eligible to return to competition. If they have not raised all grades to passing, they will be out for the next 5 days of competition.



    Students in Good Standing have prompt, regular attendance.

    The eligibility of students who have missed five or more days of school or practice in one season will be ineligible for competition.  If a student is absent on a game day and does not have a doctor's note for the absence, they will not be allowed to play that day.



    Students in Good Standing abide by all expectations listed in the Middle School Behavior Plan.

    • Any students who have received one or more major ODRs (Office Discipline Referral) in a season will be ineligible for the remainder of that season.  Four minor ODRs equal one major ODR.  
    • Students who receive an out-of-school suspension for any infraction will be ineligible for the activity that they are currently participating in.
    • Students who receive an ODR that results in a citation from law enforcement or receive a major Office Discipline Referral for possession of an illegal substance or weapon will be ineligible to participate in school activities for the remainder of the year.

    If you have questions regarding participation, fees, waivers, schedule, etc., please contact Ariel Cornelius.