- C.S. Porter Middle School
- Wrestling Home
Wrestling Information
C.S. Porter Wrestling will begin
Tuesday, February 18, 2025!
6th, 7th, 8th Grade Wrestling Season
- Mr. Love - Questions? Email blove@mcpsmt.org
- Mr. Edge
- Mr. Marks
- Mr. Shepherd
- Mr. Strothman
- Season - Feb 18- Apr 2rd
- Feb Signup Date - Happening Now!
- 1st Day of Practice - Feb. 18th
- Monday – Wednesday 2:45 - 4:30
- Thursday 2:00 - 3:45
- First Day of Practice: Feb. 18th
- Sports Fee: $30
- Optional Uniform Fee: $15
- Medical Waiver: Students must turn in a waiver signed by a parent/guardian before the first wrestling practice.
Forms and money may be turned in to the C.S. Porter Middle School Office.
Wrestling is a non-cut sport. Students who go out will make the team and get a chance to compete throughout the season provided they are in good standing.
Additional Information
- Team pictures will be taken early in the season and a notice will be sent home.
- The first week of practice will be "Skills and Drills", preparing athletes to be ready to step on the mat for the very first time.
- Practices will be from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Busing is not available after practice. Please arrange for a ride.
- Along with practice, the remainder of the season will be intercity wrestling competitions.
- Bus transportation is one way only. Please arrange for transportation for the ride home from the competition.
- Only participating athletes may ride the bus.
- To participate in practices or competitions, a student must be in class every scheduled period of the school day or have provided documentation for an exempt absence to a secretary and coach for that day. An exempt absence is defined as an absence due to a legal, medical/dental, bereavement, or school-sponsored reason.
Academic Eligibility
- All student-athletes will be required to achieve a grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all classes.
- No student-athlete may have an "F" and be allowed to compete during the season.
- Grade checks will occur randomly throughout the season to determine eligibility. Any student-athlete whose grade point average is below 2.0 and/or has an "F" in any subject, will be ineligible to compete until the student has raised their failing grade(s). The athlete will regain eligibility for the following week.
- Incomplete "I" may be given additional consideration for extenuating circumstances.
- During the days of ineligibility, the student/athlete may practice or may be placed in a study hall to help them get eligible for the following competition.
- A student-athlete who is in a prescribed special education class or 504 programs and is not meeting academic eligibility will have grades reviewed to ensure all accommodations are being implemented. This review will be comprised of an administrator, parent, special education teacher, and the teacher from the class the student is failing.
- Parents may be contacted by Assistance Principal Kammy Meyers if their student is ineligible for academic reasons in hopes that an intervention plan to assist the student-athlete in improving their grade can be discussed.
The Match
- A match shall consist of three one-minute periods with a running clock.
- The final competition will be a bracketed tournament with awards being given.
- Wrestlers may compete in their own singlet or in a short-sleeve shirt and shorts.
- Hair devices for athletes with long hair shall consist of soft material and can be worn under headgear to control hair.
- By rule, athletes with braces need to wear a mouthguard.
- By rule, wrestlers shall not wear jewelry.
- All wrestlers must wear a crew neck t-shirt to wrestle in.
- Female wrestlers shall wear a crew neck t-shirt to compete in. A compression undershirt and sports bra are strongly encouraged.
Helpful Links
Contact Assistant Principal, Ariel Cornelius, with questions or concerns at 406-728-2400 Extension 4601 or accornelius@mcpsmt.org