Your grade will be based on the following categories:
Includes daily activities and homework assignments. Most work will be completed during class, but there may be occasional homework assignments.
- 40% - Projects & Problems
These larger assignments will culminate in each Unit/Chapter/Lesson that we complete in class. These represent a large portion of your grade, so don't underestimate their importance.
There will be periodic quizzes and exams throughout the semester as well as Semester 1 and 2 Final Exams.
Your grade will be based on the following categories:
Includes daily activities and homework assignments. Most work will be completed during class, but there may be occasional homework assignments.
There will be periodic quizzes and exams. Typically, exams will occur at the end of larger units and at the end of Semesters. Quizzes will be given throughout so that you can assess your understanding of the material.
Digital Media and Gaming Tech (DMGT)
Your grade will be based on the following categories:
Includes daily activities and homework assignments. Most work will be completed during class, but there may be occasional homework assignments.
The log will include tracking your nutrition, activity, log of all your gaming matches, screenshots, etc.
Engineering Design and Development (EDD) and Computer Science Capstone (CSC)
Your grade will be based on the following categories:
- 100% - Activities, Engineering Notebook, and Project
As a capstone course, your grade is mostly based on your class project. There will be many components to this grade, including project milestones, presentations, and collaboration. In addition, you will be required to document your progress each day we have class in your engineering notebook.
Attendance is critical in these classes (as it is in most classes). Most work is completed during class. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and complete it, or you will not receive points for those days. Reference the student handbook for the number of days you have to complete classwork after an absence. I will work on making classwork available digitally, but asking in-person always works as well. I will try to nudge you towards making up work, but I will not hunt for it. Remember: Be Responsible!
Late Work
You will have until I grade an assignment for the entire class to hand work in for full credit. This will always occur after the due date for the assignment and once the class has moved on to subsequent assignments (you will be granted additional days if necessary due to excused absences). Once I have graded an assignment, you may hand it in for 50% credit up until the end of that Chapter (CSF, NET), Lesson (CSE, CSP), Component (EDD), or Unit (CSA). I will make this cutoff very clear and you will know it has occurred when you have an exam or have completed a large Project or Problem. After this point, work cannot be submitted and you will receive no points.
Grading Scale
Letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
A |
90-100% |
B |
80-89.9% |
C |
70-79.9% |
D |
60-69.9% |
F |
<60% |
Last modified on 8/30/2023