•  Ezra Shearer  
    Social Studies Department  
    Room 250
       I moved to Montana from Athens, Ohio, in August of 2010. In Athens I earned a BA in History and an MEd from Ohio University and spent time training and teaching in a variety of settings. I have been teaching at SHS since January 2011. During that time I have served as a coach and advisor to a variety of activities including track, speech and debate and model UN. I have also spent additional time on a number of district and building committees, including the Social Studies Curriculum Review and Tech Committee. More recently, I serve as the Social Studies Department Chair. These days I am happy to spend less time in committees and more time with my daughter, who was born in 2019.
         I never intended to be an "AP" teacher but found myself tasked with developing a number of AP courses at Sentinel. I believe that a rigorous course of study early in an academic career will lead to considerable gains in the future. I also believe that reducing the cost of college is of paramount importance and thus wholly endorse the AP program.
       I am always open to meeting with parents and students. Please call or email for an appointment. 
    Contact Information:
    room 250
    (406) 728-2400, ext 7607
Last Modified on September 11, 2024