- Sentinel High School
- Welcome
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Chelsea Johnson
During the 2024-2025 school year, I will be teaching AP World History: Modern, Psychology Through Film, and History Through Baseball.
I am located in room 240 and I can best be reached via email at cdjohnson@mcpsmt.org
If I don't respond to your email, it may be in my spam folder... so please leave a message at extension 7647 but email is the most efficient way of contacting me.
Schedule 2024-2025
2-Psychology (through film)
3-Psychology (through film)
4-Psychology (through film)
[History of Baseball Semester 2]
6-AP World History
7-AP World History
AP (Advanced Placement) World History: Modern
This course will require a significant amount of work from students. AP courses are intended to be collegiate level content and students will have nightly reading and required note-taking.
Senate Bill 099 2021-2022 requires notice of any course that furnishes information on or has instruction on human sexuality. The bill states:
“(6) For purposes of this section, “human sexuality instruction” means teaching or otherwise providing information about human sexuality, including intimate relationships, human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexually transmitted infections, sexual acts, sexual orientation, gender identity, abstinence, contraception, or reproductive rights and responsibilities.”-AP World History will cover information in each unit about people that may or may not have been in intimate relationships that are pertinent to their position as a historical figure.
-AP World History will cover information about sexually transmitted infections in the spring time while discussing the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 90s.-AP World History will cover information in each unit about people that may have sexual orientations, such as heterosexual, which may be pertinent to their position as a historical figure.
-AP World History will cover information in each unit about people that have gender identities and use pronouns. For example: In Unit 2 or course study, during the Mongol Invasion of the 14th century, we will discuss Genghis Khan and HIS impact on history.
Students will have nightly reading/notes to complete. Please check Google classroom for the syllabus, assignments, and the pacing of instruction.
Psychology is a semester-long survey elective offering a brief overview of psychological theory and application. It is a very fun and engaging class where we will use films as case studies for understanding "pop psych" concepts. Please see the SB-99 notification on this page to understand that this course does regularly review materials which fall under the purview of this law.
Learning Outcomes:
Nuanced language specific to the field
Understanding of “nature vs. nurture” conflict
Multiple perspectives on human behavior
Understanding of diverse behaviors
Brief understanding of applications of theory into practice.Senate Bill 099 2021-2022 requires notice of any course that furnishes information on or has instruction on human sexuality. The bill states:
“(6) For purposes of this section, “human sexuality instruction” means teaching or otherwise providing information about human sexuality, including intimate relationships, human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexually transmitted infections, sexual acts, sexual orientation, gender identity, abstinence, contraception, or reproductive rights and responsibilities.”-Psychology will cover information about sexually transmitted infections during our unit on Ethics as we discuss how the United States government allowed black men to have and transmit syphilis to their families during the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
-Psychology will cover information about human sexuality during our unit on Freud and his theory on the psychosexual stages of development.
-Psychology will cover information in each unit about people that may have sexual orientations, such as heterosexual, which may be pertinent to their position, circumstance, or psychological condition.
-Psychology will cover information in each unit about people that have gender identities and use pronouns.
Course sequence follows:
Careers in Psychology
Operant & Classical Conditioning
Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Abnormal Psychology