• The MCPS Board of Trustees declared a high school trustee position vacant at a Regular Board Meeting on December 10, 2024.

    The individual serving in this seat must live within the Election District "C", which includes the attendance area for Hellgate Elementary School district boundaries, and be a registered voter. The Board of Trustees will appoint an individual to fill this seat until the first available school election, which is in May 2025.

    The timeline for filling the vacant seat is as follows: 

    • Application information made available – December 11, 2024
    • Application materials due to the Superintendent’s Office – 12 p.m.(Noon), Wednesday, January 22, 2025
    • Board Meeting to interview candidates – January 28, 2025
    • New Trustee is seated – January 28, 2025

    The Board will appoint an individual to fill the seat until the next regularly scheduled school election in May 2025.  At that time, the seat will be up for election for two years to complete the three-year term (2026-2027). The seat will be up for election again in May 2027.

    Application Information

    Application information is available below or at the Superintendent's Office, Building A, 909 South Ave. West, Missoula, Montana 59801. If you are interested in being considered for appointment to this vacancy, please provide the following application materials (see below) to the Superintendent's Office by 12 p.m. (Noon), Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

    You can also submit your application materials electronically to Tracy Long via email at talong@mcpsmt.org.  Please call her at 406-728-2400, ext. 1026, to confirm the materials were received electronically prior to the deadline. Applications received after the January 22nd deadline will not be considered.

    Applicants should review Board Policy 1512 with regard to Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest.

    For further information, email Tracy Long talong@mcpsmt.org or contact her at 728-2400, ext. 1026.  The Superintendent’s Office, Building A, 909 South Ave. West, is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday- Friday.

    Applicants must provide the following information:

    1. A letter with your full name, physical address and contact information. The letter should express your interest in filling the vacant seat. The appointee will serve until the regular school election and the successor has qualified (May 2025).
    2. Attest that you are a registered voter and live within the boundary of Missoula County Public Schools High School district (Hellgate Elementary). If you need information about the high school boundary, visit the Missoula Election website.
    3. Answer the following questions in writing:
      1. Please describe what you see as the responsibilities of the Board versus the responsibilities of the Superintendent.  How would you foster a good working relationship with the administration?
      2. What do you believe to be the strengths of the MCPS district, and what would you consider as areas to review or possibly change?
      3. Trustees attend a number of meetings during the year involving a wide range of topics.  What skills, knowledge, qualities and experience do you have that would benefit you and the Board as a trustee?

    A school trustee is a public office. Please understand that as a candidate for this vacancy, the information that you submit will be made available to the public and posted on the District’s website. Your name, physical address and contact information (phone and email) will be provided for the media and the public.