- Missoula County Public Schools
- Food & Nutrition Services
MCPS Food and Nutrition Program
Breakfast Program - USDA School Breakfast Program
- MCPS students have the opportunity to get a filling and nutritionally complete breakfast before school begins each day. A variety of food is served, including yogurt, breakfast oat bars, breakfast burritos, pancakes, and french toast. All of the meals that are served include at least one serving of whole grains, a serving of fruit, 100% fruit juice and low-fat or non-fat white milk.
- Our Breakfasts in the Classrooms Program for MCPS elementary and middle schools will continue this school year. At MCPS elementary and middle schools, breakfast is served in the classroom at the start of the day, and breakfast is FREE for elementary and middle school students!
Lunch Program - USDA National School Lunch Program
- The District produces, on average, 6,000 meals a day. The Central Kitchen staff prepare and distribute roughly 3,000 of those meals to 12 schools throughout Missoula. Behind the scenes... projection numbers are worked out weeks in advance, recipes are batched out, and ingredients ordered.
- With the help of Let's Move Salad Bars in Schools, all K-8 schools have been able to offer salad bars since 2014! Research shows that incorporating salad bars into school lunches increases students' consumption of fruits and vegetables. Salad bars are available to students at every lunch and, when possible, local produce is provided.
Paying for School Meals
Does your child eat school meals? If so, please check their meal account balance. If your child is eating breakfast and/or lunch prepared at school, there's a good chance they are putting those meals on a meal account. Please take a moment to ensure your child's account balance is in good standing.
You can check your child's meal account balance through our Infinite Campus Student Information System.
All MCPS students who would like breakfast or lunch at school will be given a meal, regardless of their meal account status.
How to pay for school meals:
Money - cash or a check - may be dropped off at the front office of the school. Teachers and kitchen staff can also accept cash or checks. Please be sure to provide your student’s first and last name with every payment. Parents may also call 406-728-2400 ext. 3023 or ext. 5011 to pay via credit or debit card.
School Meal Fees: 2023-2024 school year- Elementary (Grades K-5)
Breakfast Free
Lunch $3.00 - Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Breakfast Free
Lunch $3.25 - High School (Grades 9-12)
Breakfast $2.25
Lunch $3.25
- Elementary (Grades K-5)
Learn more:
- Allergens and Food Sensitivity
- Farm to School
- Free and Reduced Meal Application
- Free and Reduced Meal Information
- More Resources
- Diet Request Form (Food Intolerances)
- Diet Request Form (ada)
- Food Substitution Medical Statement (Life Threatening Allergy to Foods)
- Food Substitution Medical Statement (ada)
Food Service Photo Gallery