- Washington Middle School
- 2022-2023 Schedule
2024 Season is 9/3-10/12.
7th and 8th Grade Volleyball
7th & 8th A-
7th & 8th B1-
7th & 8th B2-
- Season - 9/3 -10/12
- Signup Date - 8/28
- 1st Day of Practice - 9/3
- Mon – Wed 2:45 – 4:30 p.m. & Thur 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
- Game Schedule -
- Athletic Agreement/Waiver & Code of Conduct: Parents must sign a Athletic Agreement/Waiver and the Code of Conduct for their child to participate in Athletics at the Middle school level. This is one form with two signatures. Students may get a copy of the waiver from the office or it can be downloaded below. The form must be returned to the office before they will be allowed to practice.
- Cost $30.00 per player.
Academic Eligibility
- No student athlete may have an “F” in any subject during a five-week athletic season.
- Grade checks will occur on 9/26. Any student athlete whose grade point average is below 2.0 and/or has an “F” in any subject, will be ineligible for the following 5 school days. Weekly grade checks will occur on Monday. If the student has raised their failing grades, the athlete will regain eligibility for the following week.
- Incomplete (I) may be given additional consideration for extenuating circumstances.
- During the 5 days of ineligibility, the student/athlete may practice.
- A student athlete who is in a prescribed special education class or 504 program and is not meeting academic eligibility will have grades reviewed to ensure all accommodations are being implemented.
For activity participation, either in practice or competition, a student must be in class every scheduled period of the school day or have given documentation for an exempt absence to the attendance clerk or an administrator for that day. An exempt absence is defined as an absence due to a legal, medical/dental, bereavement or school sponsored reason. Students missing class due to an out of school suspension, unexcused and excused absences are ineligible on the day of the absence for practice or competition.
Students must also be at practice consistently. Chronic absences from practice will result in decreased playing time during games.