Picture of Dr. Tiffany Rehbein

Meet the Principal

  • Hello Washington! I am Dr. Rehbein, and I am honored to join this wonderful school community as Principal. 
    I am passionate about tapping into teacher creativity and creating pathways for teachers to be the best they can be for the students at Washington. I am passionate about student leadership and ways students contribute and add positive value to our school community. 
    I have been in education for 20 years with my career beginning as a high school English teacher in Arlee. I have taught or been in leadership at all levels, including teaching college composition, acting in district administration, and, most recently, serving as a principal at an elementary school in Cheyenne, Wyoming, from which I am moving and spent nearly all of my career. 
    I believe in facilitating, celebrating, and promoting the great things from teachers, staff, and students at Washington, psychological and physical safety for all, and students operating at high levels of literacy. I currently serve on a national book award committee for children's and middle grade fiction. I write a weekly blog that discusses all things books (with a monthly column on principal's leading literacy), and I am on the Editorial Board for the National Association of Elementary School Principals. 
    I hold bachelor's degrees in English literature and journalism and a master's degree in English teaching from the University of Montana. My doctorate is in Curriculum & Instruction with focus areas on educational leadership and research. 
    I look forward to meeting you in person and joining the very special Washington team. 
    Go Wildcats!