• In 8th grade, you can take 2 semester-long electives.

    • Below are the 8 options available for you next year.  Please request two courses for next year and two alternate courses on the Infinite Campus student portal.
      Click this link for the tutorial.
      Also, please fill out this Google Form, so counselors have a hard copy if they have questions over the summer.

      PLTW Automation & Robotics - 1 semester
      Students trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics as they learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems. Students use the VEX Robotics® platform to design, build, and program real-world objects such as rescue cars, electronic animal toys, and conveyor belts.

      PLTW App Creators - 1 semester (Fall only)
      This unit will expose students to computer science by computationally analyzing and developing solutions to authentic problems through mobile app development, and will convey the positive impact of the application of computer science to other disciplines and to society.
      Students will customize their experience by choosing a problem that interests them from the areas of health, environment, emergency preparedness, education, community service, and school culture. Because problems in the real world involve more than one discipline, the unit will introduce students to biomedical science concepts as they work on solutions to the specific problems they choose to tackle. It is highly recommended that students have a desire to learn and develop their coding skills. Students will be coding EVERY DAY! This class uses a block coding format.

      Business Applications - 1 semester (Spring only)
      During this class, students will learn about financial literacy (quarter 3) and how to start a business (quarter 4). During quarter 3, students will learn about earning money, paycheck deductions, and how to budget their “net income”. The financial literacy unit will be developed and displayed on a digital portfolio. During quarter 4, students will learn how to write a business plan and create a financial planning/spreadsheet to demonstrate a profit. After approval, students will use various computer applications to create and promote their own business ideas. Students will explore elements of marketing, web page development and video production. Students will present their business projects at the end of the semester as a way to share what they created and learned.

    • PLTW Green Architecture - 1 semester
      Today’s students have grown up in an age of “green” choices. In this class, students learn how to apply this concept to the fields of architecture and construction by exploring dimensioning, measuring, and architectural sustainability as they design affordable housing units using Autodesk’s® 3D architectural design software.

      Art - 1 semester
      Students will engage in many 2-D and 3-D studio art experiences that continue to explore the elements and principles of design using a wide range of media. Through the development of individuality and imagination, students will create artistic products that express unique concepts. The study of art history and art styles from many cultures and nations continues. Students will gain awareness of how art is a part of many different career options, society, and their future.

    • Competitive Sports - 1 semester

    • Students will compete in various sports in a competitive environment.  All abilities are welcome.  Sports like basketball, soccer, nitro ball, hockey, volleyball, pickleball, handball, eclipse ball, and many more will be explored.

    • Yearbook - 1 semester
      This course helps produce Washington Middle School's yearbook.  In this course, students will gain skills in the following areas:  page design, publishing techniques, copywriting, editing, photography, record keeping, time management, teamwork, marketing, and leadership skills. Students will need to apply for this course at the end of your 7th grade year. Pick up an application at the office. Turn in to the office by Friday, May 12th.

    • Spanish 8 - 1 semester

    •  8th grade Spanish is designed to develop communication skills in Spanish and to make comparisons and connections to Spanish-speaking cultures. Life in various Spanish-speaking countries will be examined. Grammar concepts as well as vocabulary will be acquired through creating/ and hearing creative and fun stories.