• Classroom Rules

    • Speak in the Positive - No Whining
    • Respect - Yourself and Others
    • Keep Focus on Learning
    • Come Prepared - All Supplies needed

    Classroom Procedures

    • Keep hands and feet to selves
    • Enter classroom, sit in seat, get out supplies, and be ready to learn.
    • Always hand in assignments into tray
    • No food or drink in class
    • Water in closed bottle allowed in class

    Class Work

     Class work is a significant part of your grade.  I give an assignment with the expectation that most of the assignment will be completed in class.   All assignments given will be considered class work unless otherwise instructed.  I grade class work on effort and completeness.  If you give it your best and complete the assignment, full credit is earned.  If I think you did not try I will deduct points.  If you think you need more time to complete the assignment, lunch or after school arrangements will be made.

     Leaving the room

    If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, check with the teacher first, have your pass ready for me to sign, then sign out on the log sheet by the door.  Sign back in when you return.  

    Cell Phones

     The cell phone policy of the class will follow the guidelines presented in the student handbook.  

    Cellphones are to be in a student's locker during school hours.


    Tests and quizzes are worth 50% of your grade.  Assignments are worth the other 50%. Grades will be posted as test and assignments are received.  Students will be given time in class to check their grades for accuracy and any questions will be answered at that time.  Contrary to popular opinion, teachers do occasionally make mistakes on grades.  Students, please talk to me about any error you suspect about your grades.  I will be happy to talk to you about it.  If I marked that you are missing an assignment, bring the completed and marked assignment to me and I will be happy to correct my error.  Parent, please contact me anytime about any questions you may have about grades.  I am always open to making any corrections needed.

     Tests and Quizzes

    I offer retakes on tests and quizzes for students who want a better score. I will take the greater of the two scores so there is no risk.  Retakes will be similar to the original test or quiz.  To retake a test or quiz you must complete all work on sections being tested.  Next, make test corrections on all missed questions.  If you are retaking a test another review may be required.  When you are ready you may take the test during enrichment, lunch or after school.  Quizzes will have different requirements depending on the weight of the quiz.   Small quizzes are often to encourage students to keep up with the class or to check class understanding.  These quizzes are not always available for retakes.

     Anyone caught cheating on a test or quiz will receive a zero on the assignment, parents will be contacted, and the student will be reported to the principle.