Academic Eligibility

  • Academic Eligibility

    • No student athlete may have an “F” in any subject during a five-week athletic season.
    • Grade checks will occur on Friday of each week of the season to determine eligibility. Any student athlete who has an “F” in any subject, will be ineligible for the following 5 school days. Weekly grade checks will occur on Friday. If the student has raised their failing grades, the athlete will regain eligibility for the following week. 
      • Incomplete (I) may be given additional consideration for extenuating circumstances.
      • During the 5 days of ineligibility, the student/athlete may practice.
    • A student athlete who is in a prescribed special education class or 504 program and is not meeting academic eligibility will have grades reviewed to ensure all accommodations are being implemented. This review will be comprised of an administrator, parent, special education teacher and the teacher from the class the student is failing.