English Language Learner Program (ELL)
Page Navigation
- Missoula County Public Schools
- Teacher Resources old
Please continue to reach out to our ELL families! If you use Language Link, please fill out this form. You may contact the ELL Department for the phone number and account code.
Teacher Resources
Newcomer Information
- Newcomer Resources for Teachers (Click on the document within the table of contents to go directly to that page)
- Welcome To Our Schools Brochures (Information developed by New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance)
- Refugee Student Profiles - Learn about your students and their cultural backgrounds
- Appropriate Accommodations and Modifications for ELLs
- Social and Emotional Resources
Other Resources
- International Rescue Committee Missoula
- Soft Landing Missoula
- USA Hello (Previously The Refugee Center Online)
- BRYCS - Bridging Refugee Youth and Children's Services
- Bilingual Academic Glossaries
- Tigrinya-English Dictionary
- Tigrinya-English Picture Dictionary PDF
- For In-Person interpretation services, contact Shirley Lindburg (salindburg@mcps.k12.mt.us X1057).
- For phone translation services, use CTS Language Link.