- Washington Middle School
- Teacher Page
My name is Jenna Hoppe, and I am so excited for my fifth year teaching at WMS! I will be teaching math, accelerated math, and health/PE. I find so much joy in working with middle schoolers, and think my students are the most cool, innovative, and quick-witted humans on the planet.
I grew up in Missoula, and earned my bachelors degree from the University of Montana. I absolutely love calling Missoula home, and am so lucky to teach in this wonderful community. When I am not at school, you can find me spending time with my son, Landon (4). We enjoy going for bike rides, swimming, working in the garden, and new this summer-- remodeling our home!
Please access our Google Classrooms for up-to-date information, and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Email: jhoppe@mcpsmt.org
Google Classrooms:
WIN (1st Period) https://classroom.google.com/c/NTk5NzE1MDI0NDcz?cjc=crlkckk
Accelerated Math (2nd Period) https://classroom.google.com/c/NTk5MjEyNjEwNDEw?cjc=rtssqbd
Math (4th, 6th, 7th Period) https://classroom.google.com/c/NTk5MjEwNzYxMDQ5?cjc=i3asazzHealth/PE (3rd Period) https://classroom.google.com/c/NTE3NDI2NDUzMjcz?cjc=k7eykwcCopy invite linEmail: jhoppe@mcpsmt.orPhone: 728-2400 ext. 2698