Missoula County Public Schools is a unified school district and has two sets of boundaries: A high school (Gr. 9-12) boundary and an elementary (Gr. K-8) boundary.
Boundaries for MCPS elementary and middle schools generally serve the urban Missoula community. MCPS K-8 schools serve a smaller geographical area than MCPS high schools.
Boundaries for MCPS high schools define a larger geographical area and serve students from outlying K-8 school districts, including Lolo, Hellgate, Target Range, Bonner, Clinton, Sunset and Swan Valley districts.
School Attendance Boundaries
Not sure what school your child should attend? Visit our new "Infofinder I" search page. You can search by home address and find out which schools serve that address, as well identify nearby bus stops and service times. If you live in an area where students walk to school, the results will indicate "walking boundary."