• Severe Weather or Other Emergency Notifications

    MCPS works closely with the bus company and city/county transportation officials to monitor the condition of local roads and highways during severe weather or when other circumstances arise. The District will use the MCPS Blackboard ParentLink to communicate with student and staff households by telephone, text, and email should school be cancelled or delayed. When using this mass communications tool, we notice that phone messages and text messages are usually received by families very quickly; however, emails may be delayed based on your email service provider.

    Users who have the MCPS App will also receive a notification through the app. MCPS will also post information on the District website, Facebook and Twitter.  

    A recorded phone message, email and text will be generated to each household as early as 6:30 a.m. if possible. Households can set message preferences by visiting www.mcpsmt.parentlink.net to ensure messages are received on the preferred phone number, mobile number and email address.  In addition, students and parents may also:

    You may also tune into weather-related news on local TV or radio stations. 



    Bus Delays 

    School bus

    If you hear from an official district source or public news outlet that school buses are delayed or that school is starting late due to severe weather, please keep your child(ren) at home and supervised until either buses arrive or until the publicized time that school begins.  Remember, teachers and other staff may also have difficulty getting to school and may not be available to supervise students.
    In addition, please understand that loss of electricity at specific buildings may cause problems with telephones and other communication tools.  We will do our best to work around these issues.