- Meadow Hill Middle School
- Track Homepage
Track Information
2024 Meadow Hill Track Season
Grades 6th, 7th & 8th
Track practice will start on Monday, April 1It will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday right after school for 1.5 hours.COACHES:Janicka Umile2023 SEASON INFORMATION
Season - 4/1- 5/17
Signup Date - 3/29
1st Day of Practice - 4/1
Meet Schedule -
Students will be required to turn in the following two items TO THE OFFICE by Friday March 31st, or they will be unable to compete or practice until these two items are turned in.
- MCPS Waiver and Concussion release
- Signature of an adult and student signature
- Forms will be handed out to athletes at school, or could be downloaded from the two links below.
- $25 Activity Fee
- Make checks payable to Meadow Hill Middle School
- Scholarships are available. Speak to Mrs. Hobbs, if you need a scholarship.
- Signature of an adult and student signature
- Due to the large number of athletes that participate in track, a Code of Conduct will be sent home the first day of track that will have student athlete expectations for the season including behavioral expectations. If a student receives 3 minor ODR's (as defined by the MHMS student handbook) they we not be able to participate in the next event. If a student receives 5 minor ODR's they will be removed from the team. If a student receives 1 major ODR, they will not be able to participate in the next event. If a student receives 2 major ODR's they will be removed from the team. Any behavior that results in a citation from law enforcement will be cause for immediate removal from the team.
- April 1st through May 17th
- Monday - Wednesday from 2:45 - 4:30 and Thursday 2:00-3:30
- Practices are mandatory if athletes expect to participate in the meets.
- Attendance will be taken daily, so make sure you are there on time.
- We understand emergencies arise, but please try to avoid scheduling appointments etc. when there is practice after school.
- Please communicate with a coach if you are going to miss practice.
- Athletes are required to have a minimum of 6 practices before the first competition.
- If athletes have not made an effort to communicate about any absences, he or she may not be registered for the events in the next track meet.
Wednesday, April 10 -- 6th grade only meet (we will only have 6th grade) Frenchtown
Wednesday, April 10 – 7&8 Meet at MCPS stadium 9:30-4:00
Wednesday, April 24 MCPS Meet 1 MCPS Stadium 9:30-4:00 pm
Wednesday, May 1, – MCPS Meet 2 MCPS Stadium 9:30-4:00
Tuesday, May 7 – MCPS Meet 3, MCPS Stadium 9:30-4:00
Tuesday, 5/14 - MCPS Meet of Champion Qualifier 9:30-4:00 pm Top 6 move on to Meet of champions
Tuesday, May 21 -- Meet of Champs MCPS Stadium 9:00-4:00
- Meadow Hill will supply all equipment needed (e.g. shot puts, batons, tape measures)
- Athletes are responsible for bringing the following to all practices and games:
- Athletic apparel-shorts or sweats you can move in, tennis shoes (SPIKES ARE PROHIBITED, but can wear track shoes with no spikes)
- WATER! Very important as we sometimes practice at the Sentinel track.
- Snacks-you know your own body…if you need fuel, prepare! Make it healthy!
- Warm clothes-remember it is spring in Montana…hats, gloves, tights, rain gear may be necessary!
- For meets, athletes need to remember to wear their Meadow Hill Jersey
- MCPS Waiver and Concussion release