    White Mountain Apache

    The White Mountain Apache Tribe now consists of approximately 15,000 members. Many live here on our Tribal lands, but others live and work all over the country and the world. The majority of the population lives in and around Whiteriver, the seat of Tribal government, with others residing in the communities of Cibecue, Carrizo, Cedar Creek, Forestdale, Hon-Dah, McNary, East Fork, and Seven Mile. Our reservation consists of 1.67 million acres (over 2,600 square miles) in east-central Arizona . It ranges in elevation from 2,600 feet in the Salt River Canyon on the southwest corner of the reservation to over 11,400 feet at the top of Mount Baldy, one of our sacred peaks. It includes some of the richest wildlife habitats in the state, and more than 400 miles of streams. It is home to the Apache trout, a species brought back from the brink of extinction through the efforts of the Tribe and many partners. Through the Tribe’s Wildlife and Outdoor Recreation Division, many recreational opportunities are available on the reservation.--From the White Mountain Apache tribal link

    White Mountain Apache Website

    Northland Pioneer College
    White Mountain Apache Logo

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