Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah
The Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, or "PITU" as it is often called, was created on April 3, 1980 by an act of Congress (25 U.S.C. § 761). The Tribe consists of five constituent bands: Cedar, Indian Peaks, Kanosh, Koosharem, and Shivwits. These five Bands have independent identities as communities that date back hundreds of years. The federal government formally recognizes both the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah and its five constituent bands as Indian Tribal entities located within the boundaries of the PITU Tribal Reservation. The PITU Reservation consists of ten separate land parcels located in four southwestern Utah counties. As of December 31, 2015, the total number of tribal members among the five bands was 918.--from the Pauite Indian Tribe of Utah website
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