Medications, Schools and Students: What Parents Need To Know


    This information explains the medication school rules. Reading it will help you understand the school rules for medications.

    The rules are for all prescribed medications, over the counter medication (like Tylenol) and CAM (Complimentary Alternative Medications; like vitamins or herbs).

    It is better if medications can be given at home before or after school. Sometimes children need medications while at school to stay healthy and to be at school and learn. If your child has to have medication while at school be sure to do the following:


    ·         Take the medication to school yourself and don’t let your child take them.

    o   If your child brings them instead of you the staff will take them away and call you to pick up the medication.

    ·         Make sure the medication is in the pharmacy bottle or bottle you bought them in from the store.

    o   You can ask the pharmacy for an extra bottle and it should be free.

    ·         Ask the doctor (healthcare provider) to write “an order” for medication to be taken at school.

    o   The school has special forms for this.

    o   The form can be faxed to or from the doctor.

    o   You must also sign the form to give your permission.

    ·         The school already has a form (standing order) signed by another doctor for acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or Tums.  

    o   You don’t have to get another doctor to sign a form for one of these medications.

    o   You need to sign the standing order form for your permission.

    o   If you child needs a different amount of medication than what is on that form, then you have to ask your own doctor to sign a medication form.

    ·         Students aren’t allowed to carry medications. Medications are kept in the school health area.

    o   If your child travels between two households, you will need to find another way to get medications between the two.

    o   The rules are different for emergency medications. 

    ·         Pick up unused medication at the end of the school year.

    o   The medication will be thrown away when the school year ends.

    ·         Give antibiotics at home if they are only taken 1-3 times a day.

    o    This helps your child to get every dose and they will get better quicker.  

    ·         You can come to the school and give your own child medications yourself.


    ·         Students can  carry medication if:

    o   Allowed by law ( Allergy and asthma medication)

    o   Allowed by a student specific Section 504 Plan or Individual Education Plan.  Usually this is for life saving medications or emergency medications.

    ·         For allergy and asthma medications:

    o   Provide a form with your doctor’s signature and your signature that says your child can carry and self-administer the asthma or allergy medication.

    o   We have forms for this; Asthma Medication Authorization and Anaphylaxis  Action Plans.

    o   The school nurse may also talk with your child to see how well they understand how to take the medication. If we are worried that they can’t take the medication right, the nurse will call you.

    o   Inhalers and Epinephrine pens are discarded if expired at the end of the school year and may be given to the mature student to take home.

    o    It is best to take them home over the summer so that expiration dates may be checked and non-expired medication be brought to the school in the fall.

    ·         Students may carry diabetes related medications such as insulin or glucagon.

    o   They need to have a Diabetes Medical Management Plan (doctor’s order) that says the student can take the medication by themselves 


    o   A school plan needs to allow the child to carry the medication ( Individual HealthCare Plan, Section 504 Plan or Individual Education Plan)

    ·         Once in a while other medications may need to be carried by the student in order to take very quickly.

    o   Call the school nurse, principal or the Health Services Supervisor at 728-2400 ex 1073 or email to talk about this if needed.

    ·         High school students may carry medications only  while on school sponsored trips that are outside of the usual school day if:

    o   Medication is in a properly labeled pharmacy bottle with that student’s name on it or in the original store bottle.

    o   Only the amount of medication that needs to be taken while on the field trip is carried.

    o   The parent wrote on the field trip permission form that the medication will be brought by the student.

    ·         Call the school nurse or the Health Services Supervisor at 728-2400 ex 1073 if the home and school medication can’t be separated.