- Rattlesnake Elementary
- Team Harris Blog
2-H News
Posted by Sherrie Harris on 3/13/2023
Dear Families,
March has started out well and we’re making a nice academic push before Spring Break. Thank you for signing up for a conference slot. I look forward to seeing you next week. Please join me in my classroom, #102.
Secret Student Challenge: Throughout the month of February, all 4 second grade classes engaged in a “secret student” challenge. Please ask your student all about it. Now that all 4 classes have reached their “secret student” goal, a 2nd grade PJ and stuffed animal day will take place tomorrow. Please allow your student to wear pajamas and bring along a furry friend if they’d like. Way to go 2nd Graders!
Language Arts:
Our new unit of focus is centered around, “New Ideas and a New World”. This week, we read, John Chapman. Please have your student share details about this fun historical fiction selection. Currently, our phonics focus is the “oooo” sound. This common spelling pattern includes- oo, ue, ew, ui.
For example: balloon, glue, flew, and juice.
Math: Boy have we been measuring up a storm.. This week we’ve been comparing 2 given objects to find the difference in length.
Also, we’ve been practicing adding multiple 2 digit numbers. Please look in today’s mail for an example.
Science: We are currently exploring Solids and Liquids. We’ve been describing solids and liquids using the following keywords.
Properties of solids: transparent, colored, smooth, rough, rigid, flexible, hard, pointy, flat, soft
Properties of liquids: foamy, transparent, bubbly, colored, viscous, translucent
*Please ask your student about the activities we’ve engaged in. (Solids sorting, Mystery liquids, Boat making, and Screening solids)
Upcoming days off in March:
Conference Days:
16th- School will be dismissed at 11:00 for pm conferences
17th- No School for All
Spring Break: No School March 20th-24th