Winter Weather-School Delays and Cancellations

  • During winter weather, I want to make sure you know where to find information regarding any weather related delays or cancellations to our normal school schedule.

    When school is delayed or cancelled due to weather, it is our District's goal to notify families, students and the public by 6:30 a.m.  This decision is based on input from local law enforcement, our transportation partner Beach Transportation, and our own staff research of current road conditions.

    We post notifications about delays or cancellations on our district website homepage at  This information will also be posted on each school's website homepage.  We also post the information on our district Mobile App, as well as the MCPS Faceook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

    For those families that opt to receive emails, phone calls and text messages from the school, you will also receive a notice directly via phone, email and text.

    Finally, you will see the information reported by local media on the radio and television as well as their own websites.  When looking at reports on local media, be sure that you look for notices related to Missoula County Public Schools or School District #1.  Sometimes other schools in the area are affected and 17 schools remain on normal schedules.  If in doubt, check one of our MCPS websites or social media accounts.