Owens, Trae ~ 1st Grade
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Helpful Information
School Hours – School is from 8:15 – 3:25 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thursdays are early out at 2:30. If your child arrives late to school, you must check in at the office. If you pick up your child at any time during the day, they need to be signed out at the office and checked out from the classroom. At 8:10, they may come into the classroom and eat breakfast that is provided by the school.
Toys- Please leave all toys, games, pokemon cards, stuffed animals, etc. at home. (We will have special days where we can bring these, but to protect our prized possessions from getting lost or stolen, I have found it's better if they stay at home where they are safe).
Water bottles – Please send a water bottle (with your child’s name on it) to school for your child to use. I will send them home on Fridays to be cleaned.
Extra Clothes – Please send a set of extra clothes in a large zip-lock bag with your child’s name written on it. I will keep these for the duration of the year in case of any accidents, mud puddles, or snow. If you can spare an extra set of socks please include those as well.
Dismissal – If your child is to leave school in a different manner than they usually do, you will need to call the office. It is against school policy for me to send your child home in any other way unless you have called the office AND sent a note in to me with your child. Please call as soon as you can to let the office and I know how your child should get home. Please let us know before 2:30 to allow for enough time for the change in plan.