Welcome to 2J
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 9/8/2022Welcome to second grade!I sure have enjoyed getting to know your children. We are quickly becoming a tight-knit, happy school family.We spent last week learning the rules and routines of second grade and had fun getting to know each other. We are continuing with those types of activities this week along with doing some baseline testing to see where your child is academically and to start plans for how to meet their individual needs.Next week, we will start working hard on curriculum and begin our homework routine. Watch for a yellow explanation note about homework and a beige homework log to come home on Monday.Great job checking and returning their "Boom" folder daily!Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your child's schooling.Thank you for entrusting them to me! -
Halloween Celebration
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 10/22/2021Hello, 2J Families!Rattlesnake school is having a school-wide PJ Day to celebrate Halloween on Friday, October 29. We will enjoy a treat bag provided by our awesome PTA along with some Halloween Bingo. It should be a cozy, fun day. -
ROC Grand Opening
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 10/11/2021Join us for some Friday Family Fun at the ROC
Join us for the Grand Opening for our Rattlesnake Outdoor ClassroomOur awesome PTA is hosting a celebration for the major improvements recently made to the ROC (Rattlesnake Outdoor Classroom) west of the school. They have invited Animal Wonders to come on Friday October 15th from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. and give a live-animal presentation to help us celebrate the generosity of those who donated to make this dream a reality for our school community.
Picture Day
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 10/1/2021Reminder: Picture Day Monday, Oct 4
Picture Day Information
Picture day is this Monday2J is Scheduled for 9:45 AM (before recess)To order:1. Go to mylifetouch.com2. Enter Rattlesnake Picture Day ID: 9BWKNMTVE3. Choose your perfect package*The school will be following the MCPS COVID picture day protocols so that your child's photo will be safely taken without a mask
Smiles to you! -
2J Notes
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 9/23/2021Reminder: We will be going to MCT in the morning to watch the production of, "Somebody Catch My Homework!" The trip is for all Rattlesnake 2nd Grade classes, but for safety each class has their very own bus and section of the theater. We have the whole theater to ourselves, so it should be a safe and happy time.
Thank you for supporting your child with their new 2nd grade homework routine. The first week was a huge success with many sheets coming back completed and on time. 2J parents rock!
Lots of children were thrilled to help us compare and contrast, "The Wizard of Oz" movie at the park with the book that I am reading aloud at school. Thank you for taking them to that fun school event.
Last note...our drinking fountains are blocked off for covid safety. If you could please send a water bottle daily with your child, that would be great. We have had some giant spills with the wide mouth bottles, so one with a pop-up spout or straw would help tremendously.
Thank you for all that you do!
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 9/13/2021Dearest 2J Families,Thank you for a great start to 2nd grade. It was nice to meet so many of you at Back-to-School Night. I appreciate the supplies that you sent with your children. The kids have already put them to good use.Homework starts this week. Look for a few letters in your child's folder today that should help you support them through the required reading and math practice.A reading and math log (2-sided sheet) will come home on the first school day of each week and should be returned on the first school day of the following week.Your child will initially need your support in establishing a reading routine and with logging into the math website, but then they should be able to take over the responsibility soon after.Please send me an email with any questions or concerns that arise.kjarvis@mcpsmt.orgI am having so much fun getting to know your little sweetheart.Thank you for entrusting them to me! -
Back-to-School 2021
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 8/29/2021Hello to my new 2J Families!
I hope that you are able to visit your second grader's new classroom tonight sometime between 5:30-6:30. Please bring any supplies that you have collected and the student information form that you received in the mail.
Our first school day together is on Tuesday. Your child will be greeted between 8:10-8:15 at the entrance to the 1st and 2nd-grade wing (double doors just left of the front doors of the school). If your child is picked up from school, we dismiss through the same double doors and will meet you there.
Thank you for entrusting me with your little sweetheart for in-person learning. We are going to make this situation a positive one. We are resilient and strong and will do great things together. -
Valentine's Day
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 2/3/2021Hi, 2nd Grade Families-The staff here at Rattlesnake felt it safest to skip the tradition of passing out Valentine's Day cards at school this year. At a time when we need to express love for one another more than ever, it was very difficult to suspend the card exchange.My plan is to have 2J make a Valentine for you, and hopefully, you can have one ready to exchange with them. We will also do some fun activities to safely celebrate the holiday on Friday the 12th.Hoping that things return to normal soon! -
In-Person Learning
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 1/22/2021I am so excited to have your children with me Tuesday through Friday starting next week. Yay!The classroom is safely set-up using guidelines from the CDC's 17 Mitigation Strategies and Harvard's Six Elements of Infection Control.The Awesome Angelfish and Blue Bears will have so much fun being together. With that being said, will you please help me remind them that though their schooling is moving closer to normal, we still need to take careful precautions?Things that you can do to support Hybrid Plus:1. Frontload your child each morning next week, and occasionally afterward, to keep a safe distance from their peers and to move slowly and carefully around the classroom.2. Fit them with a mask that doesn't slip. I have a bag full of kid-size masks donated by people that are excited to share. Drop a note in your child's folder if I can send a couple home, or have your child ask me for one.3. Encourage your kiddo to be the great leader that you know they are. Leadership at school helps their teacher, friends, community, and you. Plus, it feels good!4. Set up a new homework routine. Your child will have a reading log and two online math lessons to complete each week. There will be no more packet or Seesaw. (Did I just hear cheering?) :)Thank you for all of your wonderful support.I love teaming with you! -
Spirit Week
Posted by Kila Jarvis on 12/9/2020Hello, Super Second Grade Families!Next week, students are invited to add a bit of fun and cheer to our days by wearing spirited outfits. Please see the schedule below if your child would like to participate.The 2J Awesome Angelfish and Blue Bears have been superstars on our face-to-face days. I sure wish I had them in class every school day.As always, thanks a million for your support from home!Sincerely,Kila Jarvis