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     Social Studies and Science...              

           Our adopted Science program, Project Lead the Way, focuses on observing, recording and comparing information. The investigations provide lots of hands-on experiences for individuals and groups, discovery (inquiry) learning, and reflection on observations. The second grade units are Plants and Solids and Liquids. In addition, we will study animals (life cycles and classification). We will use Houghton Mifflin Experience Science program to study life cycles of animals and plants. We will tie it all together with a in depth study (of one habitat) where we will use our understanding of plants and animals to explore the rain forest.
        Social Studies will introduce the students to a sense of place and will continue to build on your child’s understanding of his world in relationship to the “big picture”. The second grade has four main focuses which include: Our Parents, Grandparents and Family Members, People Who Supply Our Needs, People from Many Cultures, Now and Long Ago and Geographic Awareness. Many of our Reading Street units cover and can be integrated with these topics. We will also use many other resources to learn this curriculum. In addition, we will use Second Step, taught by our school counselors, to help children learn about their social and emotional development. This will assist them in using language that will solve problems in a meaningful, supportive way.