Info & Schedule

  • School starts daily at 8:15 am and ends at 3:15 pm. For information on my classroom and other special classes, please see below. 

    Homework is reading a book of choice for 30 minutes each night, and finishing any work not completed at school.

    Students are given time in class to work on their regular assignments each day. Any work that is unfinished in class will be brought home and needs to be completed as homework. This usually only occurs if students choose not to do their work in class during the time alloted. In 5th grade, we work on time management, study skills and the ability to work independently. One of our most important goals in 5th grade is to make sure our students have the work habits to ensure success in middle school. 

    To help develop organizational skills, each student will fill out a daily agenda. Please check and sign the agenda each night. Students will not be penalized if the agenda is not signed, but they will be required to fill it out nightly. 

    Blackboard Parent Notifications
    Our Principal will send out notifications periodically, as needed, via Blackboard which is our MCPS District messaging system or email. Please contact our secretary at (406) 542-4080 if you are not receiving text or email notifications and want to receive them. For our classroom, I will utilize Class Dojo to share information about our classroom in a way that is password protected and secure. Please contact me for a sign up link for Class Dojo. 

    Specials Schedule
    Our Special classes (Art, Music, PE and Library) are from 9:30-10:15 daily.

    Band & Orchestra Schedule
    Fifth grade students will participate in Band & Orchestra if they choose to do so this year. Our Band & Orchestra class is from 11:20 to 11:50 each day of the week except Tuesday. On Tuesday there is no Band & Orchestra instruction. Be sure to check out these great Band & Orchestra links and resources for more information!