My name is Susan Aldrich and I teach 1st Grade at Lewis & Clark Elementary. I am originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma but have lived in Missoula since 1998 - I love it here! Over the years, I have taught Kindergarten, 1st/2nd Multi-age, 2nd, 4th and 1st grade, all at Lewis & Clark Elementary! I love teaching and I love my school!
Outside of school, I love to travel, camp, hike, ski and spend time outdoors with my family!
If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: (406)728-2400 ext. 4376 or email ssaldrich@mcpsmt.org. (Email is the fastest way to reach me.)
Daily Schedule:
- 8:15-9:00 - Breakfast/Reading or Morning Activity/Morning Meeting
- 9:00-9:40 - ELA (UFLI Phonics/Daily 5/ELA Activity)
- 9:40-9:55 - Recess
- 10:00-11:00 - ELA (Daily 5/ELA Activities)
- 11:05-11:50 - Lunch & Recess
- 11:55-12:20 - Read Aloud/ELA Activity
- 12:20-1:05 - Specials (Art/Music/PE)
- 1:05-2:05 - Math
- 2:05-2:20 - Recess
- 2:25-3:00 - Science/Social Studies/SEL
- 3:00-3:15 - Clean Up/Daily Reflection/Dismissal
- *Early Out - Every Thursday: Dismissal is at 2:30pm
- *Library/Media - Mondays: 1:10-1:55