Melissa Madsen

  •  Prairie Rose Berry

    Hi!  I am Melissa Madsen, the FIT (Families in Transition) coordinator and Social Worker at Willard Alternative High School.  Before moving into this position, I spent five years at Willard as the Flagship Coordinator, in my previous position I learned the value of the Willard way and what it means to be part of the larger Willard Crow Family. I will continue to build on the relationships I have built over the past few years and I look forward to continuing the legacy of the Willard way family atmosphere and the numerous students it has supported as high school graduates.

    The Families in Transition program is a district wide program that seeks to assist families, in the school and district staff to pinpoint essential needs that can provide students a positive learning experience.  Our goal is to empower students to stay in school and to remain lifelong learners.

    The FIT coordinator provides resources and assistance with the following:

    ·         School and academic support

    ·         Housing information and assistance

    ·         Employment referrals, applications support and resume development.

    ·         Clothing, food and toiletries

    ·         Health and wellness referrals

    ·         Referrals to community support programs such as SNAP, Medicaid, Healthy Kids MT

    ·         Crisis and personal support

    ·         School supplies and school resources

    If you are interested in donating to our Willard ELF FUND which helps our students and families in need please go to the ELF FUND button on my staff web page to see more.

    Contact Information:
    406-728-2400 Ext. 2877