• National Hotlines and local safety offices.

    • Emergency: Dial 911
    • National Suicide Hotline: Dial 988
    • Crisis Text Line (24/7 Support): MT to 741741
    • Crisis Line for Western MT Mental Health 406-532-9710
    • National Domestic Violence Hot Line: 1-800-799-SAFE
    • RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network): 1-800-656-HOPE
    • Child Abuse Help Line: 1-800-4 A CHILD
    • Trevor project https://www.thetrevorproject.org; Suicide hotline and 24hr helpline for LGBT kids
    • Trans suicide hotline; www.translifeline.org and number: 1-877-565-8860

    A list of community resources and phone numbers can be found at Youth Diversion Project: http://missoulayouthcrisis.org/  This is a great place to start and to get guidance. as well as crisis stabilization, brief counseling, and connection to resources.  Providence St. Patrick's Hospital--327-3034.  Sandy Cummins LCSW, is the lead facilitator.

    Urgent Care Mental Health Clinic: The Urgent Mental Health Clinic provides short-term mental health care with access to same day or next day appointments. Request an Appointment: (406) 327-3034

    Student and Family Resources 

    Local resources from our Family Resource Center:Food, Housing, and Mental Health Resources and the County: Missoula County Local Resources

    From the Center for Disease Control (CDC):

    Things you can do to support yourself:

    • Take breaks from reading, watching, or listening to news stories, including social media.  Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting.
    • Take care of your body.  Take walks, deep breaths, or meditate.  Try to eat healthy well balanced meals, excercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and avoid drugs and alcohol.
    • Take time to unwind and do activites you enjoy.
    • Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.

    Talk with your health care provider if stress gets in the way of your daily activities for several days in a row.  Learn more about taking care of your emotional health.

    Stress Reduction Resources:

    Calm: https://blog.calm.com/take-a-deep-breath

    "Our Calm is Contagious": How to use mindfulness in a pandemic